In the winter I am at popular snowbird (RVers and vandwellers that move north and south with the seasons) spots and there are an amazing variety of vans, trucks and homemade RVs there. In one spot I camped pretty close to a guy in a class C camped out in the desert, so I went up, knocked on his door and introduced myself and my dog, Homer. He was an old desert rat that had lived in the NV desert for over 15 years. We became great friends!! I think Homer loved him more than he loved me. We camped together for 3 years, but this year when I got back he wasn't there. I've emailed and called him but no word from him. I hope he is okay.<br><br>Another time I was in a BLM office getting a permit for a hike I was going on, and there was another guy there getting one for the same hike. We decided to hike in together and we became great friends. He and his wife live full-time in a slide-in truck camper. Every fall we try to get together but haven't been able to yet, but we will keep trying.<br><br>Bottom line is this, I have made more deep, genuine friendships since I became a "loner nomad" than I ever made living in a house. Bob<br><br>