Hobo cross (pictures).

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Dgorila1 said:
I live in a busy urban area and the whole "have to give way for a funeral procession" bugs me to no end. Some of these can be over a mile long and cause all kinds of traffic issues and accidents. Personally I want the state to change the law to eliminate this practice, it's just too dangerous to the general public. There's no reason that the people traveling from the chapel to the cemetery need to all travel in a pack. Just tell them to be at the cemetery at whatever time so everyone can get there safely....the deceased isn't going anywhere in a hurry!

We recently attend a funeral in Philadelphia. It was a huge affair with at least a hundred vehicles in the cemetery procession. I have to say that the whole idea of having an unscheduled "parade" through a major metro area, mid-day. without any police protection, was really ridiculous! Even with headlights on, and flags on every vehicle, I had two near misses. Next time I would just skip the whole dangerous mess, get the GPS address and show up in the cemetery on time. Cell phones use while driving,  "all about me" psychosis suffered by many city drivers, and general insanity of city driving make the whole idea pretty unsuitable in modern urban areas. 

This is the first I have heard of the concept of opposing traffic stopping. I just chuckle when I think of NY and NJ drivers doing the same thing. I can just imagine the carnage.  The first guy pulls over, the second spots a gap, a chance to get to their destination a few milliseconds faster, and makes all illegal high speed pass. He hits the Hearse head on, and dies at the scene. The line of cars behind the dead guy are pissed that they have to wait until the dead guy is tagged and bagged, and police allow then to pass.
Road monuments are a way of respecting some, at the cost of disrespecting others.
If someone managed to get themselves killed in front of my house, I very much doubt that I would want to "donate" part of my property for their remembrance. Pretty selfish of the people leaving stuff really. I want to do something and I really don't care how it affects others.

How about some fool steps in front of your moving vehicle. Can we all glue stuff to your hood?
I'm still not sure why people are talking about roadside death monuments when this thread never featured one.

Or a funeral procession, for that matter.
TMG51 said:
I'm still not sure why people are talking about roadside death monuments when this thread never featured one.

Or a funeral procession, for that matter.

Probably because the cross used is a universal symbol used to mark graves.
I wonder if "George" or any of the others mentioned in the original post may be the remains of a beloved furry companion for a "hobo"?
Stargazer said:
I wonder if "George" or any of the others mentioned in the original post may be the remains of a beloved furry companion for a "hobo"?
That is a distinct possibility.
Dgorila1 said:
I live in a busy urban area and the whole "have to give way for a funeral procession" bugs me to no end. Some of these can be over a mile long and cause all kinds of traffic issues and accidents. Personally I want the state to change the law to eliminate this practice, it's just too dangerous to the general public. There's no reason that the people traveling from the chapel to the cemetery need to all travel in a pack. Just tell them to be at the cemetery at whatever time so everyone can get there safely....the deceased isn't going anywhere in a hurry!

Where i live you must also give way.  A lot of times there will be extra cops around just to write tickets.

I was in a funeral line last month.  It was about 15 cars long.  nothing better than going 40 miles an hour on a 55 mile an hour road with people going by and having to drive 30 miles to get to the grave.  I lasted about 5 minutes in the line before i pulled out and left.  I sat at the grave yard for about 20 minutes before they showed up.

Between the 4 way flasher noise and the feeling of being on show for everyone I could just not do it.
Back in high school when i was on a rescue squad you would not believe how many accidents we had from funerals and people that did not know what to do when an emergency vehicle was near them.