High top addition

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Well-known member
May 5, 2017
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I plan to get a high top on my van in Nov or Dec. I can't leave my dogs or husband overnight. I was wondering if anyone has ever been to Fiberine in Long Beach? The woman I spoke with said I could overnight at a nearby Walmart, and take our 25ft Travel Trailer, and park it across the street or nearby.
If anyone has been there, can you tell me if I'll be able to navigate my way there towing  the trailer? The van does not seem to turn in tight spaces, and with the trailer, and my skills, I will really be limited.
 Also, is there anything I should know before I get this done?
Thanks a bunch!
Long Beach where? I know of a Long Beach in several states. highdesertranger
The parking lots at W/M are usually always big enough for even the biggest rig. BUT it does take some sense of your turning radius with the trailer attached to figure out which way to get in and out of the parking lot.

I suggest that you hook up the trailer and take it and the van to a big parking lot or two when it's empty and practice going up and down the aisles and around the corners until you get the hang of it.

As to what to you should know - well, much as you might want to watch it done, resist the urge. Watching someone cut the roof off your precious baby is not for the faint of heart.... :D 

That and clean everything out of the van before you take it. The people installing the roof won't need to be stepping on or over things and have you worrying about dust and metal shavings getting in to your stuff while they're working.
So sorry-I forget that the rest of the world doesn't know where I am! Long Beach, California.

Funny you should suggest practicing in a Walmart parking lot! That's exactly what my son made me do when I first started towing my cargo trailer a few years ago. He is as quite the task master. On the way back hurts me he made me pretend to get gas and I can still hear his frustrated voice telling me to move because I was still sticking out in the busy street. I never made that mistake again!
I know what you mean about watching, I'm already feeling a bit nervous ?. Thanks for the tip to clear everything out. Where to put things will take some thought.
iHathey are good people and easy to work with they did mine and I was Gerry pleasd. But do not try and take trailorr down their streets are vey narrow sorry about miss spell sent from smart phone
Travlinman and Wife- thank you, that was what I was worried about and suspected! All too often big cities have narrow roads. I have a few months, so I'll think of an alternative plan. I'll look for somewhere to park the trailer.
I now own my first high top.  Bought it that way where I had always owned regular Vans before.   It's an experience getting used to the 9' high dimension.  I've had a few panic attacks but fortunately didn't do any damage.   Tree limbs that look OK at first may scrape along the top.  Some limbs stick out over the street that will scrape along the side of the high top.  

This is a question people are always asking me when I'm out in my high top.  I walk them around the Van and show them some of the scratches and dings in the fiber glass high top.  (most occurred when I first got it learning my "spacial awareness".

The last scratch came when I started down a narrow street and a car pulled out of the driveway and proceeded towards me requiring me to move further to the right.  That put me into the tree limbs.   The other driver likely had no understanding of what she was forcing me to do.   My only other option would have been to stop in the street and make her back up so I could get around.

Driving a high top will be a new way of thinking for you.  Around where I live I have certain roads I've learned to drive on a regular basis.  The side roads are the ones I'm more guarded about.  When traveling,  I just have to be real careful.  Especially in Campgrounds or if going off road.
They will also take you bac to your trailor or any plan e you want to go in town and call you ad come and pick you up when they are finished.
I called them again today,vand found a RV park not too far, so we will stay there. Now that I have the logistics figured out, I just have to save the money!

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