High output alternator

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Thank you everyone for the advice. So if i understand right, the batteries can only take so much charge in a given time and any extra would be a waste unless im running a heavy load while the engine is running?sounds like the only advantage is it might last longer as mikeruth said.
Uptown is correct. just because a given alternator was a factory option doesn't mean the factory wire can handle it. with the alternator upgrade there very well could be a wire upgrade to go with it. highdesertranger
I'd go with the solar and FLA for the cost of AGM alone. I too have a canoe. I have a 100 watt on my hood and use an older panel leaned up against the canoe for a short absorption phase boost.

Good q about the alternator. That upgrade is specifically offered for commercial vehicles and rvs. The bigger your system the more benefit you will receive.