Hi! Newcomer with kids just starting on the journey..

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sober living

Jan 15, 2021
Reaction score
Howdy :)  Newcomer here. Found the forum via YouTube.

Planning to buy a small Class C this summer, if travel allows. I am from NY originally but live and work overseas (SE Asia) and hope to semi-retire and spend 6 months of the year on the road back in the USA with my 2 kids. I have worked 15 years teaching English and hope to continue to do online in the USA so internet will also be a factor. 

Right now, since there is no travel so I am downsizing, and trying to arrange as much as I can. (Tips welcome!) 

Ideally I'd like to buy a refurbished 19g from Cruise America, but if I could find something in good shape around 20,000 that would be better. I worry about sinking all my savings into my RIG then no money for life. (I have been debt free for 10 years... I'm as cheap as cheap is... haha)

I am also concerned about storing it when I have to come back here to work. I'm hoping I can pay a friend to park it somewhere. 

I grew up camping in the ADK alot, I've always been frugal and thrifty so I was hooked finding the Youtube channel and now the forums :) Nice to meet you all.
Welcome to the CRVL forums! Sober Living To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the forum, and soon to be welcome home!

My $.02 would be go with the refurbished. I'm not familiar with Cruise America, but hopefully this would keep you from buying potential headaches from a previous owner.
Welcome to the CRVL Forums  :)

There are all different makes & qualities of RV's.  California & Indiana are the leading sources of manufacturers.  You need to do your research on brands vs quality.  Then read up here at CRVL on
common problems people have with used RV's.  (so you'll know what to look for when shopping)

Then next consider the NADA RV guide for used values.  Usually these are found at RV sales floors but they aren't keen on letting the public use them.  But before you spend a lot of money on a used RV, buying a subscription to this for a year may be a small price to pay to avoid being taken to the cleaners. If I were shopping I'd keep my book out of sight of the seller and go check his offering price against the stated book value. There are those who look for RV's in estate sales (husband dies suddenly and widow doesn't think she can drive it) and they get it at a give away price and then try to sell it at an inflated price to make a few thousand dollars on it. A lot of RV sales places have a network of "pickers" all over the southern snow bird areas in winter looking for these deals and then transport them north to sell by spring. (after detailing them)


Below are two websites which are free.  The second one may be of more use to you in planning.
It is designed as a portal to make life more safe, comfortable, and convenient while on the road.

Good luck :thumbsup:
A really good place to find well taken care of RVs is in Florida (unfortunately rigs being sold when elderly people either quit traveling or pass away). You might scour craigslist in Florida cities.
Thank you! Yes, I am planning to look in Florida and potentially change my Domicile to there. While I love NY, taxes.... oh my.
eDJ_ said:
Welcome to the CRVL Forums  :)

There are all different makes & qualities of RV's.  California & Indiana are the leading sources of manufacturers.  You need to do your research on brands vs quality.  Then read up here at CRVL on
common problems people have with used RV's.  (so you'll know what to look for when shopping) ...
Good luck :thumbsup:
Thank you! Lots of helpful info there!