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Oct 27, 2019
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Frostbite Falls, MN
I have been looking at the vandweller lifestyle - watching and reading.
My lease is coming up for renew and I am looking at options.
As a disabled vet I can barely afford an Apt which is warm and comfortable (or cool and comfortable) but then it is difficult to
go places or do things. Watching YT or surfing free cable is a lifestyle.. I guess.
I am considering moving to a van where I can go places and do things but I am not sure about the comfort.
(too hot or too cold is bad for my health)
I am furthering my research here and I still have lots of Qs.
Please and thank you.
Yuu are right in that you can't fill a life up in a way that has real value and the satisfaction of having accomplish something by watching a lot of TV. There are so many other things in the world that are much more interesting and engaging. Not that I don't mind seeing some good TV shows and movies now and again.

You will find your niche activity which engages your mind and brings you the satisfaction of achievement. But it does not always happen overnight, sometimes you have to try a great many things. Just remember instant gratification is not always the result when trying things. It can take quite a while to become proficient at that which you think might be those things you would love to be doing. Just ask any musician, artist, writer, car restorer, welder, stone mason, designer, film producer, volunteer, tutor or coach how frustrating it can be to start on such a path.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :thumbsup: ....and thanks for your service.

This is a growing lifestyle and more and more people are either getting into it or looking at  it seriously. 

A year or so ago I drove a DAV Van for the Veterans Hospital near where I live. (big Ford with a V-10 
Triton)  Met loads of vets in those times and many were  impressed with the Van and wished they could own it.
I would tell them about my experiences in my own Van(s) with traveling and camping.  (see my profile story)
Their stories are largely the same.  Waiting for a nicer HUD paid apartment.  But even with that....the money they had would be offset by their cost of living.   A comfortable place that would have them stuck there in one place marking off the days on the calendar and walking the streets. 

Awhile back I put a couple of websites to address this issue. (see below) It is to get a person into the very beginnings of Van life, whether to go camping and fishing on the week ends or going Nomad year around.  One site is setting up a rig
and the other for finding your way once you go on the road.  It's all free info so consider sharing it with others.

All the best.
Howdy HaveYouSeenTodd, and first off, thank you for your service. Welcome to the forums, and I'm disabled myself, COPD, and I travel with my severely disabled daughter. There are people here in wheelchairs, but each has a rig that works for them. For me, it's a class C for the room and comfort. If it weren't for my daughter, I'd go with a big extended 1-ton van. Where are you at, and what are your disability-limitations? I, too, have to have a comfortable environment because of the COPD, not too hot, and not too cold. I bet a class B type of rig would be your calling, but look around and read what everyone has to say; you'll get a lot of pros and cons with which to make a decision. In the end game, It all depends on your disability as what is going to work for you, but by all means, go for it! Don't set there and die of regrets, die having the time of your life! I'm hitting 66 come December, and we plan to be on the road by January if things go right, but most likely February. I had to sell my sailboat back in January, that was my home away from home, my escape, but now things have changed, and my doctor and Sarah's social worker says we need to get out of the situation we're in as soon as possible any way possible. I'm in Houston, Texas, by the way.

Great answer and your websites are a great idea. I have multiple domains myself and should do something similar, any ideas? Someone mentioned a road emergency site or app I'm looking into, but my specialty is databases and web-based database-driven applications. I haven't moved into the mobile site and app thing yet.
First let me say thanks CW.   Next the stats show that half of the web access today is done with mobile devices.  So app's if you get into developing them would greatly extend any sites you create.  Still in some cases (that other 50%) of web access will need a PC of some kind to get the best results with....and Tablet... may...may be able to do some of that.

The newer editor I use is set up to optimize a mobile access for those types of devices. But still that doesn't create an app.

Next, anything you do....try to link it to Facebook or Linkedin (I'm talking about....business.facebook com) which will drive 
viewers your way.   So no matter what need you can find to fill.....your idea(s)......this can promote your viability.

I would suggest you consider RVing/Nomading for special needs people.  You have experience with it.....as a starting point and that is a plus.  You can branch out from that.  There are a lot of Vets who are longing to go on the road as Nomads.
In the post Viet Nam era many returning vets wanted to get an old 18 wheel rig on the road and just drive while hauling freight, see the country, and chill,  chill, chill.   CB radio was both their internet and facebook.  A lot of them returned as broken men and the road was therapy.  The trend continues today.
Welcome to the CRVL Forum   :thumbsup: ....and thanks for your service.
Their stories are largely the same.  Waiting for a nicer HUD paid apartment.  But even with that....the money they had would be offset by their cost of living.   A comfortable place that would have them stuck there in one place marking off the days on the calendar and walking the streets.

"Stuck there marking off the days" is EXACTLY what I am trying to get away from.
Welcome to the CRVL forums HaveYouSeenTod! I'm a little concerned about the need for comfortable temperatures for your health. All of us have ended up in places where it was too hot or too cold. The workarounds include staying at a park with electric hookups, running a generator, installing a huge solar system, or sometimes driving long distances to a better climate. All of these can be expensive. I encourage you to add up all of your expenses that will not change if you decide to van dwell - phone, food, insurance, etc. then consider the money you have left and how you would use it. Feel free to ask questions about anything and we'll help as much as possible.

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.