Hi, i'm new to the forum and will be getting into van/rv life.

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Mar 2, 2021
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Hi y'all, 
i just want to briefly introduce myself. My name is Violet Rose. I am a 46 year old transgender woman currently living near Chicago, IL. I recently decided to give up the stick and brick lifestyle due to a number of reasons. I currently don't own a vehicle but I am saving for one with what money I make from working online as well as selling things I won't need once I am on the road. Anyways I don't want to give my life story at this moment. But I basically am also looking for friends here and eventually on the road when I am out there with y'all.

Safe wonderful journeys,
Violet Rose
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome. You will find lots of friends on the road. How long till launch date?
Thanks for the welcome Cammalu :) As for my launch date, I'm not certain but I'm aiming for within a couple of months. just depends mainly on money at this point I don't make a whole lot right now and just started to save for a vehicle.
You might want to check out coolworks.com for some seasonal work in a new place. Lots of places have housing and shuttles or you can bike.
"Y'all" and from Chi Town. ?

Welcome! May it unfold perfectly for ya!
This forum the is best 'getting ready' resource I am aware of.
Lol, yeah I guess a little explanation/background is in order. Actually I've moved around a bit. I was born in L.A. and lived in a few cities in So Cal. Since then I have lived in Elko, NV - Roseville, CA (suburb of Sacramento) - moved back to Elko, NV - then moved to Kingsport, TN - then back to So Cal for a year (ended up being homeless on the streets of San Bernardino) - moved to Idaho Falls, ID (got a job driving a cab for a company a friend of mine owns) - then i moved to Marion, VA (a rural town in SW VA - that's where I picked up a slight southern drawl and also say "y'all now lol) and finally moved to a rural town a bit south of Chicago.
Hi WanderingViolet! Welcome :)
I've been lurking here for a couple of years. I don't have a vehicle either. I'm working on getting rid of "stuff." some I'm selling, some I'm giving away. I've planned out what I'd need to live in a van or a minivan. I have some experience as I spent several years as a long haul trucker. I find that even the act of getting rid of most of my stuff is already making me feel freer. I'm actually considering the possibility of using the upcoming stimulus payment to get a vehicle... any vehicle. As long as it runs, it's a start.
Almost everything about going on the road is exciting to me. The one hesitation I have is that I worry about if there's much discrimination against LGBTQ persons in this community. It can be more dangerous for us than we realize (I'm lesbian.)
Anyway, we'll both get out there. I look forward to seeing you on the road!
I am not LGBTQ, but have traveled extensively in this country since 2002.

I have met people from all segments of this population, and seen no evidence of discrimination, tho wherever you go some people are more friendly than others, for whatever reason.

This particular Forum is especially accepting of the differences between us all.

Welcome to you both, and let me add one suggestion as you ready yourselves for life on the road: in addition to finding yourselves a vehicle, be sure that you have adequate savings to cover unexpected repairs, because those happen and can quickly leave you stranded.

You also need a way to replenish that savings once you have drawn from it,

Good luck!
Welcome to the forum. This place is for everybody. I’ll honestly state that as a conservative Christian I don’t care for your lifestyle, but I care for you. I don’t see how disagreeing with someone gives us a right to treat them poorly. you have the right to choose your lifestyle, I have the right to my opinions about that lifestyle. Neither of us have the right to put each other down or to abuse each other in any way. A sincere welcome to the forum. Maybe will meet each other on the road someday and become friends. I would enjoy that.
I’ve met many, many gay people out here. I haven’t seen them have any problems at all. I spent a lot of this winter running the trails with a couple of great gals.

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