Hi, I'm Bob, owner of cheaprvliving.com.

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To all the new folks that have joined recently, welcome from southern New Mexico.<br /><br />I think that instead of being tucked away back here in Bob's thread, if each of you were to start a new thread in the "Introduce yourself!" section you would get more responses....<br /><br />I know I don't always check Bob's thread for others, I never think that anyone might introduce themselves here...<br /><br />Cheers and glad to have you...<br />bri
Thanks for the welcome and advice. I created a new post, but now can't find it! LOL! I have lots of learning to do!
Hi Bob, Just checking in here too. I've already said hi on the introductions page of the other forum, but thought I'd say hi here as well. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />-Bruce
Hi Bob, and thanks for this site, and Hello to all out there.<br /><br />I have just joined the forums, although I have been reading some of the other pages for a few days.<br /><br />I have just left an introduction in that section of the forum.<br /><br />Haven't signed up yet for the get together in Arizona, but I am sure planning on being there.&nbsp; It is a nice drive from New Hampshire.
Hi Bob. Thanks for the site. Your work on this site is already helping me be a healthier person. Just knowing that it is possible to survive without having a giant box sucking your lifes savings from you called a house.
Hi Bob. I just found your site today and was wondering what part of the world your base is.<br />My guess is the US but do tell.<br />Regards,<br />Keith
Hi Bob and everyone else.&nbsp; I stumbled across this site a few weeks ago and reading comments from members on various topics have helped a lot.&nbsp; I'm slowly working my way to vandwelling by choice.&nbsp; After ten years in the Air Force, I separated (honorably) and saw my income quickly cut in half.&nbsp; This is a slight motivating factor but, I'm doing alright.&nbsp; After&nbsp;multiple camp trips to the Texas gulf coast I decided to stop paying for hotels and just sleep in my FJ Cruiser.&nbsp; Surprisingly, that tight space accommodates me and my dog very well.&nbsp; After all, if all of your time is going to be spent in sand and surf why pay for a hotel.&nbsp; Its amazing how little a person needs to live comfortably.&nbsp; That experience inspired further imagination, investigation, and soul searching.&nbsp; Then kazooey!&nbsp; I realized that if I rid myself of all the possessions which tie me down my bills are smaller, time spent working is smaller,&nbsp;and free time is greater.&nbsp; Thus, I am beginning my transition to pseudo-beachbumage.&nbsp; So far I have planned out how I expect to live and what I need.&nbsp; My first step is finding the right vehicle at a price I can afford.&nbsp;&nbsp;Then, its off to the races.&nbsp; Many of the posts here have given me ideas of&nbsp;what I need.&nbsp; The large underground vandwelling culture is a big surprise. &nbsp;But, now I'm rambling out of excitement.&nbsp; Anyways, good job on the website.&nbsp; Thanks.
<span id="post_message_1275826358"><span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome, DollarJoe! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" /></span></strong></span><br /><br /><span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bob</span></strong></span></span>
Hello People.&nbsp;&nbsp; My name is Scar.&nbsp; I'm new to this phenomenon but have sorta accidentally been living it for years.&nbsp;&nbsp; Well, to make friends or be nice to people I considered making an offer some of you may be interested in. I couldn't figure out how to make a new listing for this, so thought I'd drop it hear and hope the site owner upgrades me.&nbsp; Basically a few months ago when I won disability from the military and got part of my life straightened back out financially, I said 'never again homeless'.&nbsp; So frugally I set up a home base for myself.&nbsp; I have a 5 year old dog named "honey' I was taking care of for my daughter away in school and jokingly named the acreage 'honey's park' .&nbsp; Now in her honor, I would like to extend an invitation to any and all who need it, but I have 8 acres, much more than I need for my RV and storage trailer.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have electricity and if people want it I will extend it to the camp sites for $4 a night.&nbsp; But Boondocking for as long as you like I am offering free to anyone on my property.&nbsp;&nbsp; There is a truck stop within 500' that has showers, and a RV dump / water station that is free.&nbsp; I use these services myself quite often.&nbsp; I also have as an immediate neighbor a KOA on the other side.&nbsp; So if you would like free overnight or long term parking with or without services for a minimal donation Call me, no appointment is needed, but best to warn me when your coming at least til I get signs up, firepits dug, etc.&nbsp; Even my donation of $4 a night electricity may be waived on an individual basis, and is more than enough to cover 1-2 small space heaters and appliances if you want to stay in it in the winter.&nbsp; It's purely to offset my bill, I am not asking for any profit on this, just the ability to make friends.&nbsp; I do have two dogs and if you fall in love or tolerate them and can be courteous if not openly friendly to me, little else will be asked of you.&nbsp; I will make a web page about the property tomorrow, but have made no improvements on it for this yet, as it just popped into my mind.&nbsp;&nbsp; I live in the county of Butte, literally just feet outside the city limits line of its largest city (900) and county seat, sandwiched between a truck stop, KOA and LDS Church.&nbsp; Quiet and Free at nights.&nbsp;&nbsp; I look forward to hearing from you and am open to suggestions about my idea.&nbsp; Feel free to advertise it for me anywhere you wish.&nbsp; My contact is (208) 313 8831 Phone/Text&nbsp;&nbsp; [email protected]&nbsp; (long story, had a stroke, nick name changed from scar for a while)&nbsp; I look forward to hearing from you.&nbsp;&nbsp; Preferably between the hours of 10am - 10pm Idaho.&nbsp; Thanks ;p
Welcome, Scar, that's very generous. I hope to visit Montana when I get on the road next year... beautiful state.
Hey Scar, That is very generous of you!! I for one would be interested when I get up that way. If you go to the "Boondocking" section and start a thread on this,you will get more responses. You could name it "Boondocking In Butte".&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" />
&nbsp; Welcome Scar,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; as everyone here has said" very generous,genuine offer. I too would love to visit, and contribute anyway possible. I know that many like myself would like to create a Van Dweller friendly home base for like minded ,genuine people. I have been very impressed&nbsp; with everbody in this forum as they all have some to share about life in general. I think that if more people in the world were more selfless,and back to basics of living , we all could have a happier existence on this planet!! sorry for ramblin'..i'll get off my "soap box"&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; lol.&nbsp; I definitely want to talk more with you on the subject and plan to visit. I am in the process of sorting out all my "baggage" as it were, so i can live as i want to!<br />Have a great day!.....Randy (from Colorado)
Hello Scar, Yes, that is a very tempting offer. Near as I could tell, your property is in Idaho? <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" /> <br />-Bruce
<span style="font-size: medium;">Hi Welcome, I hope you get lots of visitors that was a wonderful offer. I know you will enjoy your home out there it's beautiful </span><span style="font-size: medium;">country please keep posting love to follow your plans. I'm staying warm in Fl. for the winter whaile it sounds like everyone else is out west.</span>
Just went to Honey's web site, smart dog.<br />I love your pictures, the place is beautiful Scar.<br /><span style="color: #ff00ff;"><strong>Dragonfly</strong></span>
Hello all. Been looking at all the great information on the site. Wow! Can't wait to eventually hit the road. Now I'm just in the planning stages. I will be traveling with 4 cats and my dog so trying to find something that will work for all of us. Thanks for all the great information posted. See you on the road!
Hi Bob,,im joeonthecape,,fulltimed for 10 years,,nowim in s&amp;b again.When i hit the road again i will do it solo,,thinking a small class c maybe a scooter for running around.
Well, as my ID states, I'm Ellen and I'm in Oregon. &nbsp;I'm so excited because soon I'll be moving into my 1979 Winnebago with my daughter and grand-daughter. &nbsp;I'm 67, disabled and I've raised four kids as a single parent, plus two grandchildren as a widow. &nbsp;The youngest just turned 18 and now it's my time to do whatever awaits me for the rest of my life. &nbsp;<br><br>When my daughter and I were younger (her 10 and me 39) we lived in a converted school bus. That gets into one's blood and I'd have lived that way from then on if I could. &nbsp;As it happened, though, I married a man who thought roughing it was KOA with cable TV so I went back to house living for years. &nbsp;Now I'm thrilled to get wheels under me again. &nbsp;I can't wait!<br><br>My hobbies are oil painting, writing, and doing Native American style beadwork and crafts. &nbsp;I do mostly work on a bead loom and have looms of a lot of sizes and kinds. &nbsp;When I was downsizing for the motorhome, I kept more beads, furs, hides, bones and art supplies than anything else. &nbsp;I have very few other things except for a small library of leatherbound classic books and the complete works of Steinbeck. &nbsp;My clothes and toiletries would fit into a backpack with room to spare.<br><br>I look forward to many happy times getting to know people on this forum.<br><br>Oh, I came back to add something sort of humorous. &nbsp;Back when my husband was alive we bought a used Class C and it had headers on it. &nbsp;It was a little embarrassing, to tell the truth. &nbsp;So today when I went to take possession of the Winnebago, I wasn't really surprised to hear it----yep, headers again. &nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/rolleyes.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">&nbsp; Any guys out there want to tell my why headers on a motorhome engine is a good idea? &nbsp;I'm sure there must be one. &nbsp;It's a Dodge 440 and I think he said a hemi engine. &nbsp;I got the motorhome from my ex-husband who is a mechanic but I forgot what headers do. &nbsp;He bought it that way himself.

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