Hi from Washington State

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Oct 11, 2020
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
Hello.  We live in Washington State and I found this site and HOWA by watching Bob Wells YouTube videos.  We have a full sized motorhome.  We are not pretentious people and don't like to stay in parks or be around snobby people.  We are for real and from the video's I have watched, it seems like the people attracted to this group are our kind of people.
Welcome lizhazelmyer to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips, Tricks and Rules" post lists some helpful information to get you started.

Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

We look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome to the forum Lizhazelmyer Yes you will find ordinary folks here and the great majority of them are wonderful, except for me I’m a royal pain in the butt. We look forward to hearing about you, your rig and your travels. God bless the nomads Each and everyone
Welcome. From the sound of your introduction it seeems as if you have been having problems with people making assumptions about who and what your values are because you have in a full size motorhome. 

I don't kmnow anyone who likes snobby people including snobby people :)
first off welcome Lizhazelmyer

that's one of the things about this group, it doesn't matter what you are in. you are always welcome here. for sure the majority are in vans but after that there is ever type of rig you can imagine. I was impressed when I went to my first RTR and the following ones on the great variety of rigs. If it has wheels and you could dream it up, it was there.

Welcome to the CRVL Forum  :)

If you watch Bob's early video where he explains how he got into this way of life,   it was based a practical notion
that he could make a place to live out of an old Box Truck where he would have mobility and cut his cost of living substantially by resorting to camping skills and a minimalist way of life.  Little room for pretense in that and it has set the standard here at CRVL.

We all bring something to the table and there is a wide variety in the brain trust here.   My contributions start with the two websites below in my signature line.  The one at the bottom may be of the most to you.  My own story of how I got into  this is in the first link.  I'm not full time right now but look to the day I can.  

So welcome again and remember, the vehicles we all travel in are only the way we access this emerging lifestyle.
Hi all, thanks for your welcomes!  We wanted to go to Bob's RTR however I guess it's cancelled due to COVID restrictions :( We still plan to go to Quartzite and camp in "The Circle".  We got this rig 2 years ago (1994 Newmar) and have been slowly updating it (i.e. Flat Screen TV's, a more up-to-date power converter, a better backup camera system, and radio.)  We also have fixed issues with it, being a 26 year old rig. We are pretty much done, and we cannot wait to escape the rain and head south this winter!

For Maki2: It's the opposite.  We have had all kinds of rigs, all older. We were facing judgement from mainstream RV'ers for having older rigs.  That is why I am so happy I found this group, people don't judge you by your rig and seem so inclusive and supportive.  That's the type of people we would like to be around.
It was definetly raining in the part of Wa state I am camped in . But that is OK for now, better a cool rain than 100 degrees in the desert. I will hang around WA a few more weeks until it cools down some in southern Arizona.

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