Help me name my new travel blog

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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Help me name my new travel blog

One of two choices PLEASE

1. The Rolling Aluminum Tent
2. Appalachian Guttersnipe

or The Rolling Aluminum Tent of an Appalachian Guttersnipe
One of the members here has The Rolling Steel Tent so I'd skip The Rolling Aluminum Tent as a name. Appalachian Guttersnipe is catchy though. :)
Theme music to run in he background

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Guttersnipe's Travels?

Takeoff on "Gulliver's Travels".

Seriously though, I'd pick whichever name most closely resembles the direction you intend to take the blog. If it's more about your journey's and destinations, I'd go with "The Rolling Aluminum Tent". If it's going to be more about you and how your travels affect you, then go with "Appalachian Guttersnipe".
gsfish said:
Mr.LooRead: Curious as to your frequent use of Appalachia. Does that area have a special meaning for you?

It’s where my career as a character actor started with Deliverance in 1972.
Mr Noodly, one of our members already has "Rolling Steel Tent." as the name of his blog.

Of course nothing keeps you from using it, but it might be confusing.
I have decided to give Mr. Noodles a wide berth and not “steel” his thunder.

Blog will be called “Travels of an Appalachian Guttersnipe”.

Thanks to all who made a contribution.
It has to be said...."View from the LOO"....
