Hi Kareesto,
I'm also in HUD housing, but I have dreamed of getting out. Not because it's a bad place, very nice, but because if I can live independently, I would feel much better doing it on my own. I have a 94 Mazda B3000 that I am putting all extra money into and it will be ready to atleast camp in for Summer. Babysteps for me, and I am 68 with a little dog.
I saw a video somewhere that I could share with you (about a disabled man) if I can find it again, it's been a few years. I've been dreaming a lot since I hit 62
I did want to let you know, as well, that if you have a Housing Choice Voucher, you can port that out to any apartment you find in the US that accepts HCVs. There is also Project 202 which is what I live in now, for that last 5.5 years. There's always a waiting list to get on first.
I am new here too, so welcome, and am sure you will find lots of help whether here, watching youtube videos, or reading articles