Hello from Texas!

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Jul 2, 2013
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<span style="font-size: small;"><span style="font-family: book antiqua,palatino;"><strong><br><span style="font-family: book antiqua,palatino;"><span style="font-size: small;">Hello, my name is Debbie and I am from Texas.&nbsp; I don't have an RV&nbsp;as of yet.&nbsp; My husband and I were&nbsp;talking about&nbsp;getting one for little trips but recently I received lay off notice from my job.&nbsp; I have not been given an exact date.&nbsp;&nbsp;We were told it could be 2 months&nbsp;to 2 years.&nbsp; According to rumors though it will probably be towards the end of the year.&nbsp; Now we are torn.&nbsp; I have 8 years until retirement age (66 &amp; 2mths) and I have worked for this company 25 years.&nbsp; Not sure how the job market will be at my age and my husband is on disability.&nbsp;&nbsp;We are thinking about selling our little house and buying an old airstream and a nice truck to pull it with.&nbsp; We think that by doing this we would be able to&nbsp;cut back on some of our expenses and get to enjoy some traveling.&nbsp; Right now I am living the dream through other peoples experiences and learning all I can&nbsp;and hoping&nbsp;this knowledge can assist&nbsp;us&nbsp;in our decision of what to do after the lay off.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="http://www.glampingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif"><br><br></span></span></strong></span></span>
Since your husband has some form of income, it could work.&nbsp;&nbsp; I think quite a few people live this way on ssi/disability.&nbsp; Sorry to hear about you getting laid off....definitely tap into unemployment if they do that to you.
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome .... blkjak</strong></span>
Hi Debbie!<br>Welcome from another brand new member!<br>Sometimes the worst news or event is the catalyst for wonderful things yet to come. From what I have seen so far on this forum you will have an endless supplye of smart tips, good examples, bottomless support and good wishes! there are a lot of options open to you. take a little time to do your research before making any decisions that involve large expenditures of money. <br><br>We are also at the beginning of our life altering journey...so I'm not an expert on what to expect...but there are many here who are. <br>again!!!Welcome!!!<br>k