Hello From South Carolina!

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May 8, 2015
Reaction score
Herdon, Virginia
Hello everyone, I'm a 21 year old from South Carolina. I've been interested in this sort of subject for a very long time, first with Off-Grid homes, to Tiny houses, Boats and RV's which how now led me to "Vandwelling" it seems more realistic and logical for someone as young and not as financially able. I don't currently own a Van, doing tons of research now on the type that i would want,Watching youtube videos left and right, and working out the pros and cons of different kinds etc. but soon hopefully i might.

Been doing some reading here and you guys and gals seem to be a very knowledgeable bunch. So hopefully i can learn a lot here, and hopefully share my knowledge of various things (Limited as it is ;) )

Hope to meet you all soon ^^

Welcome. Don't think that just because you are young and vanless you can't contribute, just read up a lot before asking real basic questions (use the search feature first) and go ahead and find yourself a van and play with it. Then you'll have much more accurate and believable experience to tell about. Have fun being young. It goes fast and doesn't give you any second chances... Oh, and watch what you eat...
Thank you guys very much, I will continue on with the research so i can find the van that's just right (; Then hopefully fix it up :)!!
So what kind of van are you leaning towards? Cargos are more popular and you can make them whatever you'd like inside, but you have to do something cause it's like living in a steel box, cause that's what it us. Anything with windows need covering for privacy and heat gain so minimize them if possible. Conversions have very minimal insulation and big windows but you can stay in them without doing anything.
I am leaning more towards cargo, I don't like the ones with a lot of windows. Stealth is definitely very important for me as i will be living in a larger city in a few months (I live in a small rural town now) So Cargo is the way I'm going to go I think. Plus it will give me the ability to put stuff in it and design it how i want it to be.
Hi Will! My name is also Will. Lol. Stealth is an interesting concept. You can hide in plain sight if you do it with respect and confidence. The look of your rig probably isn't as important as how you present yourself. Good luck!
Canine said:
Hi Will! My name is also Will. Lol. Stealth is an interesting concept. You can hide in plain sight if you do it with respect and confidence. The look of your rig probably isn't as important as how you present yourself. Good luck!

Lol Coincidence ^^ Very true, maybe just the outside look would give it away, like Solar panels, someone might wonder "Why does this person have solar panels on top of their van?" but still true :) Thank you.
A used conversion van might be a good start for you. Most already have window coverings, a bench seat that folds into a bed, and insulation. There are so many that they are almost invisible.

The way I have my solar on the roof rack, you do not see it unless you are looking for it.
Hi Will.

We have a conversion van. I love the windows all around. I would feel claustrophobic in a cargo van especially after being cooped up inside for a few days of bad weather. I also find it easier to drive it in traffic. It's just like a car when you want to change lane, only a bid bigger. I had a cargo van years ago and I hated driving it in traffic on rainy nights. The side mirrors were very deceiving with all the rain drops on them.

As for the insulation...we shouldn't have trusted the flimsy insulation it came with. It's very thin and useless. We are very sorry not to have added more to what was there already.

We were in Colorado 2 Christmas ago. Talk about cold. We needed to add insulation to the window big time. I made some tide fitted reflectix covers/curtains. I didn't like the silver look so I sew black fabric
on both sides. Reflectix has a way of snuggling into place and stay there. The added value is that even if the lights were on at night, no one could see them from the outside...2 birds one stone kind of thing.

This is so cool that you're thinking of doing this. Keep us informed of you progress.

All the best
