Hello from k&p

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k&p Catalano

Active member
Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Everyone,&nbsp;<br>We are very new to the RV online community, and we are really glad to have found this forum. Many thanks to akrvbob for establishing it and to the rest of you for helping him to make it the wonderful site it is today. We are just beginning our quest and will be 'brick and mortar' bound for quite a while longer yet. But we hope to build a solid game plan and knowledge base from what we will learn from these pages. I hope to document our journey as we transition from land-locked to freedom wheeling.<br><br>We do have some complications to sort through before we can begin...i.e. Hoarding Issues, Family obligations, severely handicapped in budget and time management skills... these are just a few. But I am confident we will find a way.&nbsp;<br><br>We are also very new to blogging. As I mentioned documenting our journey in the first paragraph, I'll be doing that by posting our progress on our blog pibbsdreamquest.com It would be wonderful if some of you could peek in from time to time and offer some suggestions if you see us getting a bit off course. I'll try not to ask to many repetitive previously asked topic questions. I plan to wear out the 'search' button .<br>Best Regards!<br>It's going to be great getting to know you!<br>k&amp;p<br>ps...I'm the 'k' half
Welcome o the tribe. If you put the http//www. &nbsp;in front of your blog link, it will work right for us.
Welcome, and enjoy the Journey, it is much easier than you think.
Thanks for the Welcome Wade, Diane and David,<br>Remember the butterflies you got in your stomach as a kid when it was Christmas eve or the night before summer vacation starts.<br>It's crazy...we are such a long way from hitting the road...yet I have the same excitement of the journey just beginning...Must be because I dared to 'Name the Dream Goal'&nbsp;<br><br>Thanks for the tip on inserting the link. I'll try it...<br>http//www.pibbsdreamquest.com<br><br>(grinning like a fool)<br>Best Regards and Happy Independence Day!!!!<br>k
Welcome K&amp;P! I don't have much advice for you as I'll be hitting the road for the first time in about a week or so but I wish you much luck! One tip: If you're going to do this full time start as soon as you can on getting rid of some things. I don't have a lot and it still took me a looong time to go through stuff...quite a bit longer than I thought it would take. It was very liberating though and it was nice to rehome some things to people that could actually use it. Have fun and let us know how it's going! <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif">
&nbsp;Welcome! Wow, you have a job ahead of you!&nbsp; : -) (looked at your blog)<br><br>&nbsp;The link still isn't working. Try copying and pasting it in after you click on the link icon above.<span id="post_message_1278608978"><a rel="nofollow" href="http://pibbsdreamquest.com" target="_blank"> <span id="post_message_1278608978">pibbsdreamquest.com</span></a></span>
Hello Again,<br>Tony and Karen thank you so much for taking the time to check my blog and testing the link. Yes we do have a huge job ahead of us. Is it crazy to be positively giddy at the prospect of dealing with all of those challenges? I'm looking forward to checking out your site, judging from your web address you may have insight into some additional issues we will be trying to work out.<br><br>Ocean- It would be so easy to be envious of you right now and the position you find yourself in but I can only feel joy for you as you begin your own dreamliving. Safe Journey!!!!<br><br>and as we try this again&nbsp;<a href="http://pibbsdreamquest.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">pibbsdreamquest</a>&nbsp;...<br><br>I find myself <em><strong>STILL</strong>&nbsp;</em>grinning like a fool...<br>best regards to !<br>k
Thank you for checking it out Diane!<br>I think it's finally fixed.<br>Best Regards!<br>k
Wow I just looked at your blog and i love the challenge you have set for yourselves!!&nbsp; Im rooting for ya, so get a move on.
Thank you for your welcome Pikachu!&nbsp;<br><br>Jaguarbird-Thank you for looking at the blog. Up to the red white and blue post, I'd been writing the content but I'm thrilled to say that 'p' posted his first yesterday. And he is almost ready to load his 2nd and more in-depth post. He just looking for just the right pics to accompany it. It will probably be a few days before I'm ready to post the next step in our process. Thank you for the encouragement!!! It is VERY MUCH appreciated!!!!!<br>k<br><a href="http://pibbsdreamquest.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">pibbsdreamquest</a><br><br>
<span style="font-size: x-small;"><strong>welcome from s.w. florida .... blkjak</strong> </span>
Hello, from the Nashville, TN area. I live and work out of my van as an electrician and I thrive on it. More is less for me. Unless I get married, I plan on continuing to live out of my van fulltime. I actually have a rec area on a friends land I do some living in, but I sleep and surf from my van most of the time when not working.<br><br>I could afford an apartment and all that, but I thrive on being detached and road ready. We love to travel! Presently I am living in a 1989 VW Vanagon Wolfsburg, but my engine recently blew, so I am now looking to get into an astro van for a change. I know, I know, some of my friends are going to sorrow over this because the vanagon is thee van, but they are rare now and expensive! I'm finding the Astro/Safari van is the next best thing, so I am looking forward to this new venture in redoing my van dwelling.<br><br>glad I found this community! weather
Thank you for your welcome blkjak!<br><br>Hello weather! very nice to meet you! We are newbies too. I've spent a little time in Nashville. Did you ever eat at Demo's Steak and Spaghetti House on Commerce? Amazing place! and the food...words fail. Definitely on our To Do list when we eventually hit the road.<br>Welcome<br>-k-