Hello from frozen MI

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Feb 15, 2015
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This is my first time on here, but many of you may know my husband, Matt71. I have lived in Michigan my entire life, even though I can't stand the cold. I am so ready to get out of here into a warmer climate.
If there was even any question about how elaborately I plan things, now you have someone to ask. She'll gladly tell you how crazy I am :)
Welcome to the forum Honey!
Hi JGwinn! Are you excited about your upcoming adventures? I hope you and yours have a blast and enjoy the ride!
Welcome to the CRVL forums JGwinn! Matt has quite a trip planned for you two. Sounds like fun but a lot of work! :-D

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
I am so ready for this adventure to begin. I have been getting fed up at my job more and more lately. I need a change of pace!

As far as what Matt has planned for our trip, I have learned over the years that the long hours of preparation that he puts into our trips usually works out for the best. We make sure to hit all the things that interest us and can skip some things that others may recommend that don't pertain to our interests. I know he would like for me to participate more in the planning, but it is hard for me to do that when I know the travel plans may change, or we won't have the funds to do some of the things that look of interest to me.
You're going to have an amazing year!! Probably the best of your life!

Plus, when you say to yourself, "It can't get any better than this!" it will!! :)

Welcome to the forum JGwinn. I can understand how you feel, I left Michigan on a cold, snowy, grey day back in 1980 and traded it for 76 and sunny here. Since then I have only been back for visits in the spring and fall. I hope you find it the same while you are here, there is tons to see and lots of free camping to be had.
A few things about me....My name is Janet and I have known Matt71 for 16 years and have been married to him for 10 of those! My interests include (but not limited to) Scrap booking, reading, crocheting blankets, and sitting on my butt watching tv. Thankfully I can do most of these hobbies while watching TV! :) I have worked in retail for the past 14 years, so I am ready for a change!
JGwinn said:
A few things about me....My name is Janet and I have known Matt71 for 16 years and have been married to him for 10 of those! My interests include (but not limited to) Scrap booking, reading, crocheting blankets, and sitting on my butt watching tv. Thankfully I can do most of these hobbies while watching TV! :) I have worked in retail for the past 14 years, so I am ready for a change!
Janet & Matt. -- am coming out from lurking on these discussion groups, given your good attitude. My SO, ( Cara is her name, and i am Kevin) is from sturgis Michigan area. I saved her from the cold by having her move to Charleston SC about three months ago. You both are an inspiration for taking the jump into this lifestyle. Have about three more years of cubicle slavery at my job before we retire on dirt cheap pension. Then we will be right sizing to this more sensible lifestyle of van-rv living. Matt seems to know what he is doing, so thanks for sharing his time here with his contributions.