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May 5, 2012
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I've joined up more out of curiosity, and recognition of utility for others, rather than because of my own plans. Even though I'm drawn to the water (i.e. cruising on a well-found sailboat) more than to the open road, I hope to learn from you and to pass on my learning to others who could well benefit!<div><br></div><div>I live in a full-sized house, for now ... 1500 square feet, including the cluttered basement, that I used to share with my mother. (She "Went West," as the Old Pilots put it, in 2002.) I will honestly declare a Mea Culpa, that this house is full of clutter ... and when I think about the space that I actually use, by sitting there or working there or cooking there or sleeping there, I realize I'm actually living in a small fraction of my living-space.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>More important, and more cogent to this website,. is that I am a Man Going My Own Way (MGTOW) - and I believe that a whole lot of your lessons in "living cheaply" and "green living" would be valuable to us!&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I have done some vacationing on a 26-foot, trailer-borne sailboat ... enough to be willing to call myself "<a href="http://beijaflorbeyondthesunset.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/trailer-yacht-trash/" target="_blank">Trailer-Yacht Trash</a>" on a recent post on my own website, "Beyond The Sunset". But I've also got a 30-foot "real-deal keelboat" that is more along the lines of a future "Roaming Home." (Yeah, we're talking "sailing the islands, mon" ... but the problems of how-do-I-cook, how-do-I-provision, how-do-I-live are damn-near identical!)</div><div><br></div><div>I am persuaded that the lessons you've learned, about "cheap green living", may well be applicable to a guy like me ... whose living-space happens to be on a boat rather than on a truck chassis. And if I can learn enough to make my 26-foot trailer-sailer into a viable, long-term home ... that would be pretty damn marvelous, in itself!</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you for being "here" ... and for going out and exploring and telling newbies how you made it all work!</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Welcome BeijaFlor...You're on the right forum. Others have posted and taught us on here that live on boats rather than RV's.&nbsp; The concept here is living off-grid and/or stealth and leaving small foot prints in a life free from constraints of 4 walls on a foundation.&nbsp; There are so many here with great ideas and will&nbsp;cheer you on as you make your way down this new path in living.&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Rae</p>
While not me personally, many here have done stints on a boat. Welcome aboard!
I have a small sail boat as well and have, like you, recognized the similarities between the two. I have a dream to sail away some day but, for now, the van scratches that itch pretty well for many reasons.<br><br>Welcome<br><br>
Welcome from New Mexico...good to have you in the tribe...it's all good....it seems to me although I have never lived on one, that it would be hard to get much more green than on a sailboat.<br>Puts new meaning to our RubberTrampRondy....we'll have to do it on a beach in Baja for that so you can be there too...LOL<br>Bri<br>
Hello! I am new to this so bear with me <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I currently live in Minnesota and I am interested in RV living and would like any info anyone would care to share to help me with this transition. I am in the research phase and have not purchased an RV yet, just want to make sure it's what I want before I commit. And nervous it might be more than I bargained for! Anyhoo, hope to hear from you.
Hey beijaFlor

We love sailing and talked about the boating life, but that more my BILs thing. It would be interesting to hear your thoughts and plans as you progress on your journey.

Welcome Reba: why not start your own intro thread and tell us something about yourself!

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