Having big problems with my brand new solar setup, could really use some help

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"The voltage will rise as the battery charges. A solar controller is seeking to attain, then limit voltage so as to not go above a safe 14.4 to 14.8v. All charging sources are applying X amount of amperage to get a battery to absorption voltage and then go no higher."

if its in a bulk phase of charging. in stage 2 it will hold a steady voltage and taper the amperage. this little chinese unit I had would time limit bulk phase to 30 minutes no matter if 14.4v was achieved or not. I had the exact same problem as the OP.

"Anything less than its absorption voltage setpoint means the amperage is not sufficient to get the battery to absorption voltage, OR it has already been at absorption voltage as long as it was programmed to be held and has dropped to float voltage."

he's got 200w though, there should be plenty of current. especially if/when he stops using load function.
bardo said:
that controller says you can adjust float voltage. does that mean absorption voltage? usually that means two different things.

personally I would just breakdown and by a real controller. Just eliminate one more weak link.

That is THE voltage.  If you only want to float your battery then it is the float voltage.  If you want to charge the battery then it is the absorption level.  The instructions that come with the unit use the words "PV off" which is the cause of the problem here.

If you spend $200  for a "real controller" and then program it to never go over 13.8 volts the battery will remain undercharged.  At that price point does the blame shift to the user?

I have a controller just like that one.  The one voltage needs to be programmed for the desired absorption voltage.  When the sun shines the panel gets connected to the battery 100% on for bulk stage charging.  When the battery voltage gets to the absorption level the PWM variable pulse width modulation begins to keep the battery at the absorption level.  That continues until the sun goes down.  I keep mine set around 14.2 due to low usage.  I base that level on the amount of water I have to add.  I add 30 to 40 ml per cell per month and the specific gravity is 1.275 by 3 PM.  Setting it to 14.4 uses that much water weekly with the same specific gravity.  If I am going to be away from the van for 3 or more days and remember I'll set it back to 13.6 or park in a shady place.

There are many posts about controllers stopping the absorption stage too early telling the user that the battery is 100% charged when it is not.  This controller does not do that.  Some controllers let you program how many hours to maintain absorption.  That usually has to be tuned to the installation and usage.
the way I am reading the manual the factory preset to the over voltage cut-off is 13.8v exactly the reading he is getting. that means at 13.8v the controller cuts the solar off. OP did you reset this cut-off? it should be higher somewhere in the mid 14's depending on your battery specs. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
the way I am reading the manual the factory preset to the over voltage cut-off is 13.8v exactly the reading he is getting. that means at 13.8v the controller cuts the solar off.
Why on earth would they do that's insane?