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Since we are on the subject, does anyone know if an EMP, lightning, etc. can affect solar panels at all?  I have read other places, yes, no, and I don't know answers.   :huh:
I always sort of wondered WHY anyone would want to survive a nuke strike, it's not like the world will just be back to normal the next year
anyway any prepping I do is at the grocery store, canned goods will store for 2 years or more, and dry beans can be stored in 5 gallon buckets
I had the same reaction to folks that plan to bug out with AR 15s wearing military BDUs, I want to look as innocuous as possible, just an average Joe in a regular vehicle who likely don't know his head from his butt, who proly ain't got no preps
ArtW said:
I always sort of wondered WHY anyone would want to survive a nuke strike, it's not like the world will just be back to normal the next year
anyway any prepping I do is at the grocery store, canned goods will store for 2 years or more, and dry beans can be stored in 5 gallon buckets
I had the same reaction to folks that plan to bug out with AR 15s wearing military BDUs, I want to look as innocuous as possible, just an average Joe in a regular vehicle who likely don't know his head from his butt, who proly ain't got no preps

Right!  My only problem at present is I will prolly be starting in my BMW which is already a target for marauders.
One benefit of being 'po'; no one wants to steal my raggedy ol car lol
ArtW said:
I always sort of wondered WHY anyone would want to survive a nuke strike, it's not like the world will just be back to normal the next year

Use the words "nuke strike" and everyone always assumes a worst case scenario - a full scale exchange between major powers leading to nuclear winter and the end of the world as we know it.

I think limited strikes by terrorists or rogue nations is far more likely.  Following which the world may no longer be "normal" but life will certainly go on for most of us.
I'll just keep the whole scenario out of my mind. If the time comes, silver bullet solution.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Use the words "nuke strike" and everyone always assumes a worst case scenario - a full scale exchange between major powers leading to nuclear winter and the end of the world as we know it.

I think limited strikes by terrorists or rogue nations is far more likely.  Following which the world may no longer be "normal" but life will certainly go on for most of us.
I'm no expert but last I heard N. Korea couldn't reach the west coast with a nuke yet.  Good thing I left Hawaii...
N Korea has trouble hitting themselves with a Nuke, 7 attempts at a nuke capable Missile, 7 failures, last i heard
i am truly happy about that
John61CT said:
I'll just keep the whole scenario out of my mind. If the time comes, silver bullet solution.

Does it have to be silver?   :blush:
It's one thing to make a "crude nuclear device" and it's another thing to engineer it into a weapon that will fit onto a missile and survive the g-forces so it will operate reliably.

But it would not be hard to put a "crude nuclear device" in a shipping container and sail it into one of our harbors on an unsuspecting freighter.  I presume you could shield it with enough lead that instruments outside the container wouldn't have a clue.
true, but I think that spoiled little kid in charge of his own country would like to make a showing, not sneak a crude nuke in on a freighter
now those other big meanies in the Middle East, they'd probably go for that
XFILE36 said:
I need help!  I can't find how to post a new thread anywhere.  All I want to know is what does "Research" mean on the free camping website?

Ahh, do you mean the campsites marked in yellow?

Those are locations that someone has sent in as a listing but are unconfirmed.

For example, one I just looked at says this:

"Reported as signed "No Tresspassing". The Boarded up Motel is located along Trans Canada Highway 17. It is just a bit South of the turnoff to the town of Wawa on highway highway 101" etc. etc. Goes on to say that it's still okay which I question.

I only plan on using them if I have absolutely no where else to go within the days drive....If you do use one, please, please file your report.

Actually, file your report no matter what when you use one of the campsites that are listed.

For example I've checked out some of the campsites that had bad reports and only one I agreed with, some of the posters are a might critical of a free campsite... :)  so a second or third opinion is always welcome.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Most panels have a sticker on back that lists the volts and amps.  The attachment is for a 50 watt Renogy panel, and it shows that that panel should be putting out a little less than 3 amps.  So if your 50 watt panels are similar, the two of them should be putting somewhere between 5.5 and 6 amps into your controller.  The specs on your controller says it can handle 15 amps, so you could probably add 3 more identical 50 watt panels, or one more bigger - 100 watt ~ 150 watt panel - ok .

I have and wrote down what is on the back of mine.  It's different than the example you provided.  What should I take into account on my sticker? I only want to buy one more and want the max power. Thanks.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
OK, watts is volts X amps so amps is watts/volts.  48watts / 12 volts is 4 amps.  So the blanket will use 4 amp hours every hour you run it.  So if you run it for 8 hours, you'll need 48 amp hours, and your battery pack only holds 50 amp hours.
I am very confused because I ran my 15 watt laptop on it for around 20 hours, plus a 85 watt fan, and a 700 watt coffee maker (only for a few minutes), and a 5 watt light.  The computer alone is way over 50 amp hours like you say.
XFILE36 said:
The computer alone is way over 50 amp hours like you say.
If you're talking about 12V, that would be 600+ watt hours.

You said your laptop is running at 15w (how do you know? seem light to me) so for 20 hours is only 300 watt hours.

Coffee 15 min? call it 200 watt hours

Fan and light time is unknown?