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Optimistic Paranoid said:
Turned up to max, the pan will try to draw more than 10 amps.  That's just the way it's designed.

Is there any kind of Low - Med - Hi setting ?  Or maybe a dial with numbers on it?

If so, you might be OK with a 10 amp fuse if you limit yourself to the lower settings.  You'd have to try it and see if the 10 amp fuse blows or not . . .

OP, No, settings on the pan....ty  P.S. , I plugged the 700 watt coffEe pot in the fuelLees gen to make coffee and it worked fine
gsfish said:
You could make coffee using the propane stove, saving those 700 watts for something that can't be done with propane.


gsfish,  I think I will try to get a propane stove. thanks.
XFILE36 said:
Optimistic P,

Thanks.  I read someone's comment on Amazon and they wondered if they would overheat at 10 amps if you just crimp them and don't solder them.  I don't own a soldering iron.  What do you think?


I just grabbed those as an example of the kind of clamp you could use.  If you don't have access to a soldering iron, you're probably better off with something that uses a screw to hold the wire down, like these:

Optimistic Paranoid said:
I just grabbed those as an example of the kind of clamp you could use.  If you don't have access to a soldering iron, you're probably better off with something that uses a screw to hold the wire down, like these:


OP, Thank you for all your help!  I have another question, and don't know if I should post it as a new thread.  Do you (or anyone else) know anything about Faraday Cages (bags) for protecting batteries against EMP's etc.  I have a bag to protect my "generator"/lithium battery.  Does anyone else use these?

~Sandi :D :heart:
gsfish said:
EMPs? I don't think that will be a realistic concern for your 2,000 mile road trip. Relax.

Could you post a link to the bag that you have?


The 2,000 mile trip is to help a friend in trouble, but I also would like to travel to see the sites and meet some of you.  I bought mine about 4 years ago, so mine was one of the first made by them and different color, probably the same though...

Here:  https://store.jimbakkershow.com/product/emp-bag/

highdesertranger said:
think of it as an equalization charge.  LOL  highdesertranger


LOL, Sorry, I don't get the humor. :blush:
XFILE36 said:
OP, Thank you for all your help!  I have another question, and don't know if I should post it as a new thread.  Do you (or anyone else) know anything about Faraday Cages (bags) for protecting batteries against EMP's etc.  I have a bag to protect my "generator"/lithium battery.  Does anyone else use these?

~Sandi :D :heart:

Well, lets see.  I know your vehicle itself serves as a Faraday Cage and protects you from a lightning strike.

Ordinary lead acid batteries can't be hurt by EMP.  I don't know about lithium batteries.  Usually it's electronic components you worry about.  I suppose both the inverter and the charge controller in your "generator" could be damaged by EMP.

Having seen the web site for the company, I'm guessing they sell a lot of these to preppers, who'd be worried about whether it would still work after a nuclear strike.

I don't think anybody here worries about such things.  Anyway, an EMP would wipe out the computer engine controls on any modern vehicle, rendering it unable to run.

If you want to stay mobile after such an event, get yourself an old mechanical diesel powered vehicle.
Optimistic Paranoid said:
Well, lets see.  I know your vehicle itself serves as a Faraday Cage and protects you from a lightning strike.

Ordinary lead acid batteries can't be hurt by EMP.  I don't know about lithium batteries.  Usually it's electronic components you worry about.  I suppose both the inverter and the charge controller in your "generator" could be damaged by EMP.

Having seen the web site for the company, I'm guessing they sell a lot of these to preppers, who'd be worried about whether it would still work after a nuclear strike.

I don't think anybody here worries about such things.  Anyway, an EMP would wipe out the computer engine controls on any modern vehicle, rendering it unable to run.

If you want to stay mobile after such an event, get yourself an old mechanical diesel powered vehicle.

I hear diesels are expensive to repair, but thought about it.  TY ;) ~S
Jim Baker ~  :s

A few years ago I spent some time with some big fans of his.   :blush:

IMHO, some people never learn.  (or research the products they buy) 

P. T. Barnum was right. :idea:
GotSmart said:
Jim Baker ~  :s

A few years ago I spent some time with some big fans of his.   :blush:

IMHO, some people never learn.  (or research the products they buy) 

P. T. Barnum was right. :idea:
I don't regret having a Lithium battery - I can discharge it almost all the way...I have had to use it a couple times at home when the electricity went out in the last 4 years.  I was the only one with electricity.    At the time, I had only heard of gas generators and these.  Sorry you regret my purchase.   P.S I paid a lot less than they are going for now.  I also got a lot of other things with it.
an equalization charge is a forced over charging of lead acid batteries. highdesertranger
XFILE36 said:
I don't regret having a Lithium battery

I believe the unbelief was about the anti-EMP bag.

Don't take it wrong, if the SHTF you can say I told you so!

And lithium is sensible by most lights. . .
XFILE36 said:
I don't regret having a Lithium battery - I can discharge it almost all the way...I have had to use it a couple times at home when the electricity went out in the last 4 years.  I was the only one with electricity.    At the time, I had only heard of gas generators and these.  Sorry you regret my purchase.   P.S I paid a lot less than they are going for now.  I also got a lot of other things with it.

I was refering to the pile of cheap plastic gee gaws and overpriced buckets of "emergency" meals the people were buying.  I was always told that "The money is going to  good cause".  By going direct to [font=Lato, sans-serif]Food For Health International you will get more than twice the food packaged better, with 1/4 the shipping cost.[/font]

[font=Lato, sans-serif]The only cause that is being served is linings for pockets. [/font]
highdesertranger said:
an equalization charge is a forced over charging of lead acid batteries.  highdesertranger

LOL, Thanks for the explanation.
John61CT said:
I believe the unbelief was about the anti-EMP bag.

Don't take it wrong, if the SHTF you can say I told you so!

And lithium is sensible by most lights. . .

It's also for solar flares, lightning, EMP'S, etc.  Oh well, I can always use the bag for my electronics.  BTW, the bag is military approved or something like that.  They must have a legit need for them too.  North Korea is making too much noise right now and I am still on the west coast. :(  Hopefully, if anything happens I will survive, let alone my battery.
GotSmart said:
I was refering to the pile of cheap plastic gee gaws and overpriced buckets of "emergency" meals the people were buying.  I was always told that "The money is going to  good cause".  By going direct to [font=Lato, sans-serif]Food For Health International you will get more than twice the food packaged better, with 1/4 the shipping cost.[/font]

[font=Lato, sans-serif]The only cause that is being served is linings for pockets. [/font]

I agree they are money hungry.  I told them they are doing what Jesus got angry about and overturned tables for in the Temple....I didn't get a response... :angel: :huh: