This is cool. I had no idea that other people had discovered hammocks as a space-friendly bed.<br /><br />I posted a while back on these forums about using my woven hammock as a bed, and still plan to do so. Once I purchase my van (looking at one this week), I will likely start a sort of biographical documentary on living in my van, and will describe how I set mine up.<br /><br />Being that I will have a cargo van (possibly extended), I will likely be using bolts to create permanent hooks inside of the van. I already have some metal rope eyelets and seat belt to attach the hammock with. Having high-strength and versatile strapping is only a matter of visiting a junkyard, where they gave me over 20ft of seat belt for free. Seat belts can handle over 5000lbs, and up to 6000lbs of weight! The eyelets are to protect the loops on the hammock, which are just bundled nylon thread.<br /><br />Perhaps, considering this idea is still on the fringe of an apparently more and more popular lifestyle, I will make a video of my own describing how to permanently install a hammock into a full sized van. By "permanent" I mean fixed attachments; the hammock is removable to make all space usable during the day. Perhaps, provided I don't mind the slightly dangling hammock, I will have elastic attached to one end of the hammock, pulling it over a pulley, which pulls the hammock taught and against the ceiling when I am not in it. I originally planned to use weights for this in an apartment, but free hanging weights are no good in a moving vehicle.<br /><br />[EDIT]<br />Simply_Lesa is right. Hammocks may be the best bedding possible for people who are sensitive to pressure points. This is more true for woven hammocks, because they act elastic and stretch under you to pull evenly across your whole body. To sleep properly, you need a hammock you can sleep diagonally in, which 'folds' the hammock, creating a very flat crease which you lay in. This guys hammock is great but, because it's short, it has him sleeping with his back curved slightly, which might cause some people problems.<br /><br />I plan to angle my hammock diagonally across the full sized van, then lay in it parallel to the van, between my shelves, sink/stove, etc..