Goodbye Southwest, heading back to Florida

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SternWake said:
So much of my SW to SE  or SE to SW driving was done in minimal times ( 3 to 4 days) on I-10 it is interesting to read about all those things I missed just holding 68mph for ~23 hours at stretch ( orlando to ft stockton TX)

My energy source is the ocean so I've only stopped slowed, and smelled the roses on a few crossings, and only once I was in the West.

Hi SternWake.  Yes, that is what I did getting out there to Flagstaff, just pushing forward and glancing as the towns rolled by.  On this way back East, once I get past Texas, I will spend my days taking in the sights.  Unless I can find nice roads now while here that are not so sparsely populated.
rvpopeye and eDJ and everyone else....thank you for your support and well wishes.  I think I need to clarify what it is that I am doing.  I am not going to be stationary, anywhere, except for overnight or a couple days somewhere to do stuff.  I need to keep moving.  

It seems I have made this trip sound like the end. is just the beginning!  I am a traveling woman now...!!!!!!

This trip has been everything I hoped for.  I was focused on coming out West, getting solar for my van, and learning how to live as a nomad.  I have been blessed beyond my biggest expectations.  Oh, I still need to learn more as I go along, but this is enough to start.  I believe I will meet more of the tribe in my travels out here in the East (I hope).  And for the newbies out there, these folks are the real deal.  This is real, they are this nice, they are this helpful.

WheelEstate (Jay and Margie), extended the kindest and very sincere invitation while I was plugging along in 100 degree weather coming out West.  They were the catalyst to my very wonderful experience here.  And taught me so much.  Thank you forever, Jay and Margie.

And how about all the members who helped me with mechanical suggestions when I was having a hard time on the way out there, with the heat.  My cat and I were the only ones in our van, but we weren't alone.  Thank you, all.  (to newbies...not such a good idea to cross the South in July).

Solar...Wayne D, I have never seen you on the forum, but how can I ever thank you for making me energy independent, electric-wise?  Meeting you with the group in the Flagstaff area is one of the most important times of my life.  I am not exaggerating. mentioned reviewing what I found unpleasant.  Good thought.  Such awe-inspiring scenery, I loved, will miss, and have been trying to burn it into my memory.  I took lots of photos, but they cannot possibly convey the scope of the magnitude of this.  Big, Big, Big scenery.

Unpleasant...I am just not a desert person, I see.  And I am not able to stay put for very long anymore.  I had almost 20 years of staying put.  So I took my cat in the van and said "We're out of here".

I also need more activity and population.  Sure, this winter will have all kinds of activity in the Southwest, but what then?  And it is not the activity for me at this time.  I need to work.  I thought I could sit in the desert and work online, or even cold call businesses for life insurance, which does work.  But I just can't sit still that long.  Towns are too far apart for me to go running around out there.  

I am looking for states with lots of little towns close by....towns like Williams, AZ and Winslow, AZ.  Oh what nice places.  But those with trees  :rolleyes:

I sold my trailer to do this, and our van is our only home now.  All I say to that is, "Yay!"    

 But relentless sun with no shade.  Can't believe I am saying that, when I love sunshine.  That was tough.  I just think I have "ants in my pants" after 18 years of being stationary since my husband died.  I was a youngish widow and it hit me hard.  For you younger folks, that just means you need to keep moving, I think is a good way of saying it.

So I will be moving and traveling.  Not sitting still.  And with the experience I gained from the tribe, I am set for new adventures.  I am a Florida resident and will be traveling North when it gets hot.  I can get any state's insurance license quickly, so I can keep traveling and working.  This trip changed me forever.  It has been the best, and now for more.....
Wow !   :D 

A pure delight to read your post Pamerica.   Mark Twain once wrote that modern people of the industrial revolution would not have the option of stepping back from their work and gaining a new perspective as their forefathers.   The seniority system and steady supply of work would refine that out of the possibilities forever he believed.   And yet, due to economic circumstances in industry and new possibilities brought forth thru technology, we seem to be finding ways to regain those much needed new perspectives so needed. 

You are one of the better suited to have the skills for this way of life.  Sales of service or investment related products wouldn't require much "Office Baggage" and could afford a bountiful life for you with so much possibility.   I would hope you could be a role model for younger people to pattern after.  Yes it can be done
and you're proving it.   I was only able to adapt it to my Corporate work when I was doing it years back and
was always tied to my employer and their facilities. 

I don't know if you've thought about getting involved with TED and giving Talks (usually only 15 minutes) ?
I would hope some Women's Groups like the "ABWA" (American Business Women's Association) or others would invite you to give a Ted Talks along the way in your travels.  I'm sure you would be an inspiration to a lot of others.
Hope you are not in Florida, yet. If news coverage is correct, it is going to be a mess for a while. Even if you are heading for FL's west coast, roads are going to be packed and electricity has a good chance of being down. idea what to say about your post....except Thank You.  Wouldn't I like to live up to your ideas here.  Far from it at this point  :blush:

gcal...I am taking my time getting there until I hear just what has happened where.  My brother has a beautiful home in the Daytona area...and they are still going through this.  He said windows are leaking, roof is lifting up and down and not blown away yet, pool screening all torn up, roof shingles all over the place, no power.  I am listening to WDBO in Orlando and it is truly a mess in those areas. 

 I suppose the West Coast and Central Florida areas will be better, if not untouched.  I just got an email from a friend in Central Florida by the Villages where I used to live (I lived near the Villages, not in the Villages)...that they were spared for the most part.  Just rain and a little wind.  But that area did not have a lot of hurricane issues to begin with.

So there is a lot of the state I can go to.  Thanks for your concern.
Almost There said:
The best way IMO, is to take any road on the map that is going more or less in the right direction that is NOT an interstate.

Take the blue roads on the map (and maybe some of the brown roads) and let them wander you through all the small towns along the way. If you need to go near an interstate it should be for the purpose of crossing over/under it, not for getting on it.

Yes, it will take you a whole lot longer but unless you've got a deadline, you'll be less stressed with the lower speed limits and less traffic AND you get to see a whole lot of America (the real America) that way!!

What she said! 
It's still hurricane season but right now, but.... Last year I was planning (I was side tracked) on going down to the Gulf of Mexico around the Corpus Christi area & hanging a left. Then I was going to keep the gulf out my passenger window until I found a nice spot in Florida for the rest of the winter. 
Like I said I was side tracked & ended up in Georgia in the spring....

I had looked at & had a number of places to go on my trip south.
Pamerica wrote: idea what to say about your post....except Thank You.  Wouldn't I like to live up to your ideas here.  Far from it at this point 

LOL, didn't mean to put you on the spot.   But awhile back before you were headed out west you were rather unsure of yourself.   But with experience that seems to be changing for you now and I'd  bet by next year this time you'll have this stuff under your control.   You may be better suited to this way of life than you may realize
and be a good example for the others here who are coming to grips with their fears and going ahead and doing it. 

All the best.
becida said:
Last year I was planning (I was side tracked) on going down to the Gulf of Mexico around the Corpus Christi area & hanging a left. Then I was going to keep the gulf out my passenger window until I found a nice spot in Florida for the rest of the winter. 
Like I said I was side tracked & ended up in Georgia in the spring....

I had looked at & had a number of places to go on my trip south.

Side tracked, I hear you. I am having such a good experience in Mississippi, I hardly want to leave.  Mississippi...really?
It was always the cheapest on most of my trips,,,,not any more?
rvpopeye said:
It was always the cheapest on most of my trips,,,,not any more?

 I hadn't thought of it that way. But you are right, that does figure into this. I was thinking more of real Southern Hospitality.  And honesty.  And kindness. And beauty. And care for the environment. 

And what you said… the price is right.  That really is important, and that, too.   That's right upfront, with the rest of it. It has it all, lucky me so far.  And like they say, tomorrow's another day  :)  I hope tomorrow is just like today.
You're getting a good dose of why I like to roam.............
Leaves are starting to change color in Kentucky mountains soon, just a thought.
If you come my way(N.Ar.)stop for a visit.(You have to promise to not try to sell me insurance)
Me and Vic will be in the Sarasota area for a couple of months this winter.Maybe we can get together for a cold beer or a round of golf.
pamerica said:
Side tracked, I hear you. I am having such a good experience in Mississippi, I hardly want to leave.  Mississippi...really?

I'm in Georgia. Georgia? Yep...
Thank you for the invitations, bullfrog and Bob Dickerson.   I didn't know Kentucky has mountains. Just like I did not know that Georgia has mountains (guess you know that now, becida).

I found that out big time this summer, Georgia mountains and van overheating. A few years ago I went a hundred miles out of my way from Houston to traverse Kentucky from southwest to northeast, I think. I don't remember seeing mountains, but there was no mistaking the bluegrass and horse country. The grass really was blue looking. That was around Lexington, right? It was just plain gorgeous.

N. Arkansas.  Yes, I would really like that, Bob Dickerson.  Here's a secret - don't even mention life insurance to me. It can do so many good and financially life-saving things for so many people.  As long as you don't bring that subject up, we're good. Otherwise, look out ?
I would like to see Arkansas sometime.   I have not been to Sarasota, either. Maybe we can meet up. Not to play golf, though. Beer sounds good.

rvpopeye...I have the roving gene, just like you. I am right now on the gulf shore of Alabama.
Back in Flagstaff and even Winslow area, I had to run my furnace at night. September. Now it is so warm here in Alabama in Oct.

 I'm looking forward to the day when I know when to travel, where.
Only up to 6000 feet elevation. Geez, just a couple months ago I would not have known what that meant.
You're getting in the groove. One day at a time...............rove on.

Alabama coast ,mmmmm wish I was THERE right now!