Good news for once

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2014
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In a year that has seen more chit hit the fan for me than ever before, I thought it would be nice to share good news that happened by chance.

In the ER thread I spoke of going to the Urgent care for a eye issue. They told me I had two infections and was worried I was loosing my sight in that eye. So much that they set up the follow up and referral to a eye doctor. That didn't work out so I had to find another yesterday and was glad to see him today because my eye had clouded over.

First bit of good news is that Urgent care was wrong, no big deal, gooped up my eye and said you will feel better tomorrow.

Second bit is the med I shouldn't have taken was causing cloudiness, that will clear up.

and now the biggy for me. As the doctor looked at my eye he asked why I hadn't had the cataract taken care of. It's a birth defect and I was told they would fix it only if I injured the other. He told me that not only could it be fixed, the insurance will pay for it. Wow, just wow. It's never been more than left peripheral vision to the right and a annoyance at night.

So a bit of good news for once. Now to get my doctor to do the referral.
Great news Jim! When is the surgery?

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I had my right eye done a little over a year ago. The Cataract was not that bad, but my vision in that eye was making it hard to pass the vision test for a drivers licence. Anyway the point of telling you is to assure you not to worry about getting it done. I haven't heard of anyone regretting the operation.
Congratulations, Jim! So nice to get good news from a doc!!
I can feel your sigh of relief from here. Great news, Jim!
DannyB1954 said:
I had my right eye done a little over a year ago. The Cataract was not that bad, but my vision in that eye was making it hard to pass the vision test for a drivers licence. Anyway the point of telling you is to assure you not to worry about getting it done. I haven't heard of anyone regretting the operation.

Thank for that and all the well wishes. It's still foggy but it's only been a day since I stopped the med causing it. The thought that it can be fixed is another light at the tunnel brightening my day. :)
It's been a month and my vision has returned to normal for me. I talked to my doctor about sending a referral but was worried that too many referrals buck the system. She made me wait 6 months after the MRI's on my back to do my neck, I didn't think she would do the eye this soon. Today I got a call from the eye place saying that their facility wasn't in the system and it's gonna cost me $1500. You could have knocked me over with a feather. Now we wait to see if the insurance will approve, it will cost me $3000 if they don't but it will be done.

I'm sure there are doctors with facilities in the system and I could save the money. The thing is the birth defect makes it more than just a cataract surgery. Even if it's a once in a career thing, at least he has dealt with it and is willing to tackle it. Other doctors have just said no so I have to do it while I can. I almost gave up and started wearing a patch but am glad i didn't. It would have made the right eye vision sharp but would have made the left lazy. The doctor didn't want to do it until he saw the left tracked right and i proved I could see around the defect. He also wants to see the images another doctor took showing the back of the eye.

I'm going to see like everyone else. Wow
I feel for you, Jim. I've got a weird genetic eye thing too, no doctor will remove my cataracts until they are so bad I'll lose my ability to drive. It's really frustrating, and all I've got is albinism, not like it's the end of the world or anything.
My iris is attached to the lens so it's always been only if the right became damaged. Now the right is developing a cataract so I do need my left.
Today was the surgery, it went well I am told. The iris was attached to the center of the lens but came off pretty easy. When it happened I heard a number of people discussing it, after I was told they were other doctors that came to watch due to the rarity of the defect. My doctor was even more pleased when I could read a clock behind him while in recovery.

Thank goodness it's over. I nearly cancelled the appointment so many times especially since the new glasses at least helped. I did end up paying $300 which will be refunded once they apply it to the deductible that is paid off. Now they want to do the right but I don't think I can get it approved this year and certainly not in time for me to be ready to leave 1/1.
YES, Good News indeed.  Glad they can fix your eye, and make you see better again.  So good to get that "second" opinion, they always seem to have much better news than the first opinion.
Woot, congrats Jim, nice to have that behind you.

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