Going Full Time

Van Living Forum

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Well, I've done it. Moved out of apartment and spent first night in the van. I have a gym membership, and I'm checking out wifi spots to do some online stuff. I feel liberated, and I want to say thanks to Bob and everyone here, because it helps alot to have this forum to ask questions, do research, and most important, comaraderie.
A viable alternative to an insane world.
All the Best,
mike h
Good for you Mike!! A whole new world is about to open up for you.

But, be aware it may not be all smooth sailing. Expect there to rough times and expect to have some emotional upheavals. At first it can be scary, lonely and unsettling.

it does get better!! I know for me it was very hard at first, but I soon fell deeply and totally in love with this life!! Best thing I ever did!! I hope it is the same for you!!
Thanks Bob, I know you have lived through it and speak from experience. I bought your book and recommend it to anyone thinking of this style of life.
The last few days have been interesting in the PNWest, some pretty serious winter weather for around here, cold temps. with snow, then an inch of freezing rain on top. I have chains, and had a bit of fun hooking up my woodstove in the back and throwing stealth to the wind. I parked a couple of high visibility places, made a fire, and sat in the back just toasty drinking tea. Most people didn't even notice! HaHa! I guess with people skiing and snowshoeing down the sidewalk, a woodstove in the back of a van is no big deal.
Anyway, I hope all vandwellers are making it through this winter ok.
mike h