GIRLS' ROOM: Social Security, you may still be eligible

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2011
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Hi. I'm putting this info out there just in case anyone doesn't know. <br><br> Even if you are divorced (but were married 10 years), you can still collect SS on your ex-husband's former income. If you are age 60 and disabled, you can begin collecting SS benefits on your former husband's income. If you are married, you can collect 1/2 of your husband's SS (while he continues to collect 100%) until he dies. At that point, you receive 100% of his benefit.<br><br><br>I want to make sure no one is missing out on a benefit that is theirs just because they didn't know they were eligible.<br><br>Check it out at<br>&nbsp;
Yes, I knew this. Makes me real happy. Ex didn't want me to work outside the home but I worked for our business 20 years and he refused to put me on payroll or claim me. I lost years of credits. At least this will help.
what if you were married 32 years, then divorced. I am 70 and he won't be 62 until 2018. Can I get 1/2 of his when he does retire?
I think you need to contact Social Security Right away, I believe you definitely should be collecting based on his income since you were married that long.  Good Luck.
GV: I think it's based on YOUR age, rather than his, but as ColdBrook said, call SSA and ask.
I'm on widow's benefits, and I missed out on 2 years of them, because I didn't know I could get them at 60. My husband died over 30 years ago at age 27, and I never remarried. It's not much, but it pays my rent, internet and part of my utilities. I won't actually get much more by switching to my own account on reaching 66 (which is done automatically - no choice), but every penny counts.

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