GIRLS' ROOM: People who want to go with you

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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2015
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But expect to live with you too? I have a cousin who keeps saying she is coming with. I told her, sure, but you need your own rig and your own bed. 

lol...she didn't let up til I got more firm. 

Now she seems angry with me. 

This will not be a vacation for me, it will be my home. And as much as I love her, I don't want to live with her. Or anyone for that matter.

Ayone else have this happen?
Nope but then one look at my van and they would know that there was no place for them to sleep!!

I've had a lot of people 'wish' that they could do what I do but then they find a million and one reasons why they can' I just say adios and let them get on with their stationary lives.
My daughter and I have a good relationship but I wouldn't even let her "come with" unless it was just for a vacation of no more than a month or she had her own rig. At this point if she needed a place to stay or I needed a place to stay I'd work to avoid us living in the same space if at all possible. We've both got our own lives to live and living together could hold us back.

I really hate it when people get butt-hurt when you stand up for yourself. Family can be the worst at it. Can't imagine they'd just invite themselves to stay with if you were in a stationary home.

Sorry you have to deal with this. Guess I'm fortunate that other than my daughter nobody gives a rat's patootie anymore.
Newbie: "Can't imagine they'd just invite themselves to stay with if you were in a stationary home."

Yeah, some do! And I suspect that JustBreathe's cousin may be one of them. There are people who would/could never do it by themselves because it actually involves WORK. But if they can invite themselves along, with someone else doing all the planning, providing, prepping, labor, paying, decision-making and driving, well, their bags are packed and they're ready to go!
Don't know how many times people just invited themselves to go with me somewhere. Like TrainChaser said, they like that someone else is doing all the planning, providing, prepping, labor, paying, decision-making and driving... This happened again and again when I had my RV's and when I had my van. My next rig will most likely be a minivan and that will sleep one and have no room for anyone else. :)

Sometimes you just got to stand your ground. If they get angry, it's on THEM, not you.
(Disclaimer: Don't have a minivan yet, but when I do....)

My son is 3 so if I go, he pretty much has to come with me :)
My husband would only have to express his wish to come along and I'd be happy with that.

Otherwise??? Nope. Not interested in transporting anyone.
I *might* make an exception if I had a very good friend that was willing to arrange their own accommodation (like a tent) and could help drive, pay for gas etc.
I'd share the road trip part of a journey with a good friend, but not my bed.
Definitely agree about accommodating tag-a-longers.  They need to provide their own transport and housing.  The only possible exception I might make is my daughter.  However, she's 21 now, and by the time I am able to take off, she will undoubtedly be busy with her own life and career and family.  In any case, my dream van will be perfectly sized for one, and too tiny for two!
If I manage to get on the road I plan to have the option of a 2nd bed when needed for vacationing with my daughter. It's not something that would be apparent when looking though. Might figure a way for a hammock instead, depending. Shhhh, don't tell anyone though. :p

I guess luckily all my friends/family are busy with their friends and family so I don't really have to worry about it. I'd hate to see my reaction if someone had the nerve to want to tag along since when I've needed a helping hand they haven't been there for me. :mad:

Haven't been around tagalongs of this ilk since my 20s so I've forgotten how they are, thank goodness.
Newbie, many years ago I was parked next to a converted mail van. The young woman gave me a quick tour. One interesting thing was a long fold-down 'counter', where she did her cooking and her watercolor paintings. She confided that it was intentionally built extra-strong so it could be used as an extra bed platform. Her own bed had a backrest that could become the mattress for the platform. None of this was very obvious until she pointed it out, but I thought she had been very clever in her designing.
My sister in law has joked about wanting to come with me when I get to that point! Thanks for the heads up about others possibly wanting 'in' too!
I'm not on the road yet but I haven't had anyone suggest they would want to come with me.

The only thing I can imagine I would allow is if my sister or niece wanted to tag along for a week or so but they'd be going back home.
I am new but I agree. The reason we chose this life is to avoid these situations. I have a small SUV with a cargo carries and a rack on the hitch. If they really want to stay they have a choice of one of those. When I do move up to a van there will be room for only one bed. MINE. Because a closet will take up most of the space besides my bed and cooking area. I guess they could sleep on the floor in the aisle.
"I guess they could sleep on the floor in the aisle."

That's no good -- if you had to get up to pee in the middle of the night, you would step on them.

Your first thought was best: strap 'em onto the roof rack. If they want more luxury than that, tell them to buy a Yakima storage pod and they can sleep in that (it will keep the rain off). (heeheehee!)

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