GIRLS' ROOM: My first van camping trip

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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Hi. This is nothing new to most of you but...for me exciting.  I am going on my first van camping trip this coming week. I'll be gone only 4 days and only 4 hours away, but good time for me to see what it is like living in my van for a few days. I've camped a couple times in it before but had my 16 year old son with me and with all his things couldn't really set it up (his wheelchair and all his ventilator equipment took up most of the room). I had to sleep on the floor squeezed in. I'm using a cot and if I have room may even take my gliding rocking chair. I'm even thinking of taking my sewing machine to see how that works as I'd like to take it with me when I travel. Does anyone else travel with one?  Two weeks after that I'm going again. My daughter is getting married and instead of getting a hotel thought I would do the van thing again.  My first real steps toward the lifestyle after about 4 years reading!
Thanks for listening.  Nora
Wow, Nora, how fun! Hope you have a super time.

Can't comment on the sewing thing as I can barely sew on a button, but it seems like it might be a fun hobby on the road.
Nora, I'm not full time but wouldn't leave without my sewing machine either. I don't know where your fabric stash will fit though!!!! If you are that concerned about that machine I'll bet your stash is as large as mine!

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The latest Enigmatic Nomads/Cheap RV Living video is about a woman who has a truck with a slide=in camper. I'm sure I'm remembering correctly that she stores her sewing machine in the back seat of the truck but brings it in to her camper when when she wants to sew. A couple of other women on here have mentioned traveling with their machines, too.

Testing out solo trips a little at a time is a great idea. Expect some bumps in the process but also expect some great times.
Personally, I would leave the sewing machine home this trip. Settle down, pay attention to what is what, what is going on with other people, watch the squirrels and the birds. Everything is probably going to take longer than it does at home: cooking, washing dishes, bathing, rearranging things. Veg out for a bit. Take a notepad with you and write anything that comes to mind about ideas, changes, rearranges, things to try, etc.

And I INSIST that you have a good time! This is sticking your toe in the water to test the temperature. I hope it's just right!

If I ever meet up on the road with one of you sewing ladies, I'd be happy to barter for a sewing lesson! Seems like I could save all sorts of money if I could hem some pants or even a piece of cloth to make a curtain.

Last time I sewed anything (under duress) was in 8th grade back in 1973, they made the girls take home ec and we had to sew an apron and a peasant blouse. LOL
I used to do a lot of sewing, but I carry a tube of LIQUID STITCH or OK to WASH IT, or something like that in the van for hemming, mending, attaching a patch. Available in squeeze bottles in sewing stores, walmarts, etc. They're waterproof, and so far what I've done has survived several washings. Doesn't take up the space of a machine, and is waaaay less expensive.
Jaxtonsgram, have fun! Take notes, take your time, enjoy.
It's not just sewing for repairing for me. I like to create and if it isn't sewing it's something else I'm crafting. I'm not really one of those people who enjoy doing nothing. When camping, if I have no crafting projects with me, I'm wandering around looking for something. I might weed my campsite, prune a tree, anything.... I'm happiest with much to do.

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Thanks for everyone's encouragement.   I had a great time and attempted to usee a lot of things that I've learned here. Knowledge is one thing but putting it into practice is challenging.  I thought I started out very organized but after being in the van a night realized what I thought would work wasn't such a great idea. Organizaton is key. Which I am not organized at all. Will be something I'll be working on while I am waiting.  Overall it was good to get away, learn I don't need all my stuff and I think I really do want to do this. I am hoping a few more short weekends and maybe a longer week or 2 next summer and I'll learn more and hopefully it will motivate me to get rid of stuff.  Thanks for listening. 
So glad you had fun!!

Funny how we think we've got stuff dialed in (in any endeavor) then the reality of the situation sort of laughs at us and says "yeah, no".
The organization will come the more you travel. What SEEMS like a good idea often changes once you're more used to living like that. Don't expect to plan everything ahead down the last detail, because it usually doesn't work that way. Just take it as it comes, and deal with it one issue at a time.

Did you know that if you use a cooler with ice, and as the ice melts it gets smaller, and ceases to prop up that open carton of milk? You stop at the state border agricultural inspection station (like going into Calif), and when you open the cooler, you have a largish pool of white water and all the stuff is under it. So you have to fish around and hold up each of the contents to show the inspector that you're not carrying illicit and forbidden produce. GUESS how I know this??? *grin*

BTW, I just read something about this problem. A fellow said to put your block ice in a kitty-litter-type bucket, and then set the food items around it. I never thought of THAT!

"Live & Learn" is the motto of van dwellers.
TrainChaser said:
.....BTW, I just read something about this problem.  A fellow said to put your block ice in a kitty-litter-type bucket, and then set the food items around it.  I never thought of THAT!  

"Live & Learn" is the motto of van dwellers.

A 10 lb block will fit in to a shoe box plastic container if you put it in the small side down. It doesn't leave a whole lot of room for the water to accumulate until the block gets smaller but as long as you remember to empty it a couple of times a day when the block is large it leaves a whole lot more room for food in the cooler!

I had to use anything I could get my hands on when one of my coolers developed a leak at the drain plug leaving me with a very wet van floor when the water level got up to the bottom of the drain.
Nora:) so cool u had a great time! For me because I don't take the time to set up a good system, the organization is a everyday thing, pull it all out put it all back. I see people who at the front end design well and they may not havebthat problem. I just keep getting rid of stuff, till I am down to about nothing. As said above u will figure it out, VERY smart to keep taking trips like u did, before full timing.wishing u well
Remember all these cool videos you have been watching are from people who have been doing it for a long time and worked out the kinks of what works for them. But we are all different and you have to figure out what works best for YOU! You are headed in the right directions. Just keep taking notes, try things and see what works for you. But I would say get the basics down before you worry about the hobbies.

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