Getting Robbed at GunPoint when buying from Craigslist

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2011
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I've bought and sold about 7 cars in the last 5 years using Craigslist. But recently I'm starting to get nervous. Few weeks ago I went to check out a $1500 1997 conv. van in a not so nice area, although the neighborhood he lived in was very nice though (just the surrounding was bad). He was totally legit and a super nice guy. Didn't buy it due to some problems and smell.<br><br>Now there's another guy asking a really low price. I've been checking Craigslist religiously and something this nice and cheap, gets bought up real fast. But it's still listed. Guy said he was going to text me the address, but haven't heard from him. In a bad area too, based on the ad.<br><br>I wondered if it's a setup to rob you since bringing cash is not that uncommon.&nbsp; It's not a lot, under $2000. But that's a great haul for a robbery. On HBO's show, The Wire, people were contracted to get killed for less than that. So I did a quick search "anyone robbed by car sales scam craigslist" and it came up with a few:<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>Not sure why the guy hasn't texted me his address. Wondered if he's coordinating with someone about the different locations to use. I get paranoid a lot.
Forget it!&nbsp; If you have a bad feeling about it, you're probably right!&nbsp; Don't take the risk.&nbsp;
When I bought my van (off Kijiji, because CL isn't a big thing where I live), we didn't even take any money with us.&nbsp; We arranged to come back &amp; buy it on Monday when the banks opened &amp; we could get the money.<br>I realize that sometimes a buyer thinks you're going to flake on them, but I didn't feel comfortable taking that much money to meet someone I didn't know, especially if I wasn't sure I wanted to buy what they were selling
Like 15 years ago, I was selling an old Mustang for $3000.&nbsp; Two young Black guys came to my house, but no car. They said they took the metro and then the bus. I started worrying. I was coming home from work in my suit. Told them I needed to get the keys form the house. As I was walking in, I took off my jacket to reveal my full sized Taurus 9mm in my back waistband. Then took them for a test drive. They were really nervous then. Never heard from them after that. That was really weird.<br><br>Not sure if they were setting me up or they were afraid that I was the one who may rob maybe they had the cash on them. I mean they have my home address and everything. Not saying that a guy in a suit can't rob you, but it's usually not the case. Who knows. I'm getting more nervous about this guy's van.
<p>Like you I've sold a few things on Craigslist as well. I've had minimal problems with being robbed since I did a few things to keep my safety an important issue.<br><br>If you're at all suspicious you can tell a perspective buyer that you're bringing a friend with you when to witness the sale. This should make any perspective "bad guy" somewhat leery about doing anything illegal. Another thing I've done in the past is to meet at or near a local police station. I especially use this method whenever I've sold any handguns. I've never had a problem selling handguns this method. Of course the primary method is to meet at a location during normal daylight hours. Never meet any buyer or seller during hours of darkness.<br><br>Following a few common sense suggestions listed on CL is always a good suggestion on your part.</p>
<em>"<span id="post_message_1278412841">Like 15 years ago, I was selling an old Mustang for $3000.&nbsp; Two young Black guys came to my house, but no car. They said they took the metro and then the bus."<br><br><br></span></em><span id="post_message_1278412841">I'm sorry to derail, but what does the fact that they were black have to do with this?<br>Also, they were looking to buy a car.&nbsp; Not everyone who wants to buy a car owns a car.<br></span>
Hate to say this, but yes...them being &nbsp; young and Black, certainly did have something to do with it. I'd be lying if I said it didn't. <br><br>This was 15 years ago.....and $4500 wasn't terribly expensive, but not that cheap (about $6300 today based on inflation). I just remembered now that it was $4500 and not $3000. <br><br>Also, it makes very little sense to take the metro and then the bus to come see a car. I'm sure it's possible, but very rarely would that happen. And I was not asking a very low price for that Mustang. Somewhat the average price. I can understand if it were extremely low or was in decent shape....but Mustangs are a dime a dozen and many like mine in that car publication (Craigslist wasn't around back then). They didn't even bother to make a deal nor ask about anything after the test drive. They just said they'd get back to me. They didn't check anything nor looked over the car as I recalled. Just strange to take the metro, then the bus for all of this w/o asking questions, etc.<br><br>There are many cases of people answering Craigslist ads to steal cars by gunpoint or just driving off. More common are thefts of expensive watches, jewelry, etc. as they're easier to carry away to sell.<br><br>And I'm not even White, not even a little.
A trick to dealing with this sort of thing is to tell them you will only do the cash exchange at a bank or public ATM if it's a smaller amount.

They were robing people for iPhones in this area via CL.
"I'll meet you in the police department parking lot. In daylight."
Lets get real,&nbsp; How many cars have been sold on Craiglist and how many people have been robed while selling or buying a car on Craiglist?<br><br>Very few, Your chances are worse than walking into a store while it is being robed. I have stopped 5 robberies in the last 30 years.&nbsp; <br><br>Knowledge of what it looks like and what to do keeps me out of a lot of problems. <br><br>James AKA Lynx
True that chances are low. True that tons of cars are bought and sold on CL. <br><br>But when you're walking in a store, chances're not carrying around $2000 to $5,000 in cash to try and buy a specific car at a specific price, as advertised....thus the robber has a high assumption that you'd have that much in your pockets.&nbsp; I've had $7700 paid to me in cash before, on the same day, for a car. And when you walk into a store, most of the time, the robbers are there to rob the store and not you. Because most people carry very little cash and pay with their credit cards. Buying a car under $5,000 and it's usually cash. $2000 - $5000 is a huge payout for armed robbery....not only that, the robbers got you to go to EXACTLY where they want to rob you, their turf. Losing $2000-5000 would also suck a lot more than losing $20-100 in cash from being robbed at a store.<br><br>These are the HUGE differences that makes your analogy with walking into a store invalid.<br>&nbsp;
I am just looking at the numbers and not comparing or contrasting the two. I have known people to be cut with a knife for not giving a bum a dollar. <br><br>It pays being safe and not to risk to much.<br><br>My suggestion is to walk into your bank with them and get the cash and hand it to them. And have the bank notarize the title.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
LOL! Some days the CL here looks like a Pakistani arms bazaar!

They get flagged, but are persistent. Some of the "code" words they come up with to make it seem like they aren't selling guns are pretty funny sometimes... pretty dumb other times. "I have things that are handheld and go bang!" Yeah buddy, pull my finger.

<span id="post_message_1278413365">
Also, it makes very little sense to take the metro and then the bus to come see a car. I'm sure it's possible, but very rarely would that happen.
<br><br>Am I missing something here? If they <span style="text-decoration: underline;">don't have a car</span> and need to buy one, why would this seem odd? Your comment about them acting strange and "seeming weird" after you 'nonchalantly' showed them your weapon is weird itself. I think most people would be nervous when a seller finds it necessary to show that he's packing when he's riding around in a car with them. You make it plain that you view every young black guy as a potential criminal. <br><br>Why didn't you just go in and put on street clothes and have it at the ready if needed,without having to display? To me that just shows you're paranoid. I've bought and sold many times on CL and it's not rocket science to arrange a meeting in a safe place to buy or sell as mentioned above, the best being your bank or credit union. <br></span>
paying attention to the solution. go to bank. get title notoruzed and exchange cash. all good.&nbsp;
Two young Black guys came to my house, but no car. They said they took the metro and then the bus. I started worrying.
<br><br>That sounds like a very scary situation. Thank God you didn't shoot them.
Right, anyone who takes public transportation is a sure menace to society.