Getting on the road

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Jul 21, 2013
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Hi Everyone,<br><br>Since I was really young, I've had this dream to convert a van or bus and live a simple life full of adventure, travel and freedom. A week ago I finally went for it and bought a van-- a 1991 Ford high top that needs lots of love. I'm wondering some things:<br><br>How do I get started? And by that I mean really commit to doing this, and work on making Bertha (my van) comfortable and ready for the road. Where I'm stuck is with my fears of the unknown....<br><br>Where will I park?<br>What if I sell my stuff and then change my mind?<br>Will I be safe? I'm a single 52 year old female.<br>What will I do with my cat?<br>What if I break down somewhere remote?<br>Should I sell my nissan altima and just keep the van?<br>What if I have money challenges?<br>What if, what if what if...<br>And the list goes on and on...<br><br>I need to somehow re-connect with my vision, my dream. I'm letting my fears run wild and they are keeping me from making this happen. I'm thinking once I start the remodel I'll feel more inspired. I've been gutting out the old flooring...I'm feeling like this is such a big project...<br><br>Can anyone out there relate? When you first began living in your van, or rather, getting ready to live in your van, did you have similar feelings?<br><br>Thanks for your thoughts....&nbsp;<br><br><br>
Hey... no worries. <br><br>I understand where you are coming from. When I started doing this a couple years ago I had all the same worries. <br><br>- Over time you will find many, many places to park... some with amazing and surreal views (others will be parking lots).<br>- Store things for now if you want, you can always sell them off later or return to them. You do not have to commit to either decision right away, you can stay flexible on this one.<br>- You are much safer today then you were 15 years ago (violent crime is way down). I think you will find your age is a very common age out on the road. If you really want to protect yourself think about a self-defense weapon of one type or another to keep nearby in the van.<br>- The cat may be your toughest choice. Some will adapt and be great traveling partners, others will not. Carrying a litter box is not too ideal either. And what if he/she gets out of the van and runs off? You may be better to find a family member who will keep him/her for now.<br>- Yes, you will break down eventually. It is just part of driving any vehicle. Prepare yourself as best you can (spare tire, a few tools, read some tutorials, learn some basics) and you will be fine 99% of the time. If you are heading into a remote area, make contact with someone first (the Captain's Log forum would be a great idea) with an estimated time to be out of that remote area. If you are not heard from, that person(s) should be calling in your help (police, friends, etc). Remember, you are in your van so you should have food and water to last for many days in the worst of situations.<br>- Again, you can keep your other car until you decide 100% on the van-lifestyle I personally love having my small car available to me when I am in my home-state. Have it stored in a place that you frequently return too (family or friends may be an option too) and decide to get rid of it later down the road.<br>- You will run into money issues... that is no different in a van or in a house. The great thing about van living, you can save a ton of money any time by just staying put. I think it is easier to get out of tight-money-situations when living in a van then paying for rent/mortgage.<br><br>Don't let the "what-if's" keep you from having the time of your life. Also, you can start living in your van locally to start. Stay within your comfort zone and slowly expand that over time. You will find yourself enjoying more than worrying once you get started.<br><br>PS - You can find other RV'ers and travel with them. There are groups that travel together to have a that security in numbers. I'm sure some other folks will have some specifics on that subject.
&nbsp;Welcome simpleliving! You're at the right place to get answers. :) I think that about half of the people in these forums have had wanderlust since they were young. The other half has come around to it due to circumstances or an awaking later in life. So you'll find all of your fears and questions addressed somewhere in the forums. Start reading through the ones that are most pertinent for your situation and if you don't find any answers come back and ask more questions. Bob's book is also a good for sorting everything out.<br><br>&nbsp;Good luck! You can do it.
Welcome!&nbsp; Dont let those fear voices keep you stuck!&nbsp; Listen to them - you have heard them all before!&nbsp; Just tell your mind to "stop" then chose your dream instead.&nbsp; Shine some light into the darkness!<br><br>I am in the building stage of this and everyday I make up a new fear to keep me in place!&nbsp; And every day I get to choose my dream instead!&nbsp; I find that taking it all one little project at a time helps me.&nbsp; I am really enjoying the creating of my new 'home' because it is for me and fufills a lifelong desire.&nbsp; I ask myself when i get scared - "What do I have to lose?"&nbsp; And my answer is NOTHING!!<br><br>Good luck!&nbsp; We are here to cheerlead!
Take baby steps. Crawl before you walk before you run. Then find a steep hill and fly.
When I take a band-aid off, I peel it slowly. When I get into the pool, I slowly ease my way in. This is no different. Go at a pace you're comfortable with, but push yourself as well. That band-aid does have to come off!<br>This is a great forum to learn what you need to know!
Thanks everyone so much. Your words so helpful! Today I finished all of the gutting of my van's past life as a state wheel chair/patient transport vehicle, and next I get to start building my new home. The inspiration is bigger than the fears today. I know they will creep in again, but I can always choose the light, the dream, instead of letting myself be swallowed up in the darkness of all that fear stuff. I just need to remember it's just a choice of where I want to focus my attention.<br><br>I love this forum, and have spent hours and hours reading. So glad I found you guys!<br><br>Thanks again for all of your support and wisdom. It really, really helps :)<br><br>Jennifer
<span id="post_message_1278891386">Where will I park? ---- Any where it is legal. Check this forum for stealth and boondocking and primitive. <br><br>What if I sell my stuff and then change my mind? ---- Store it for a while.<br><br>Will I be safe? I'm a single 52 year old female. ----- read the female section. Safer in the woods than parking&nbsp; at Walmart. Even safer if parked next to me.<br><br>What will I do with my cat? ---- I hope your cat likes it. Most places restrict pets because they will become "lost" <br><br>What if I break down somewhere remote? ----- Get AAA+, get a CB, Ham or satellite phone. <br><br>Should I sell my nissan altima and just keep the van? ----- Wait until you have a few weeks of living in the van. <br><br>What if I have money challenges? ----- apply for government disability. If that does not work then get a job. Hopefully someplace where you can live in your van for free and not have to drive it.<br><br>What if, what if what if... --- what makes it fun. It is the details for YOU!!! that make it interesting and fun. Work on the most important first but not only one thing - Safety, food, shelter, sanitation. <br><br><br>After a while it ceases to become a vacation and turns into a lifestyle. Just start in vacation mode and figure out your style. The "lifestyle" happens when you are not usually eating the things you ate before.<br><br>Book shelves are written to answer the questions you ask.<br><br>James AKA Lynx<br><br><br><br></span>
Nobody ever ate an elephant in one sitting.
I feel a lot better about this now.&nbsp;<br><br>I've decided to just think of this "move" as going into "travel mode" which I love, instead of "living in my van" which feels drastic and full of unknowns. Traveling is fun and easy for me, so looking at it like that feels way better.<br><br>I also decided to take only the minimum and store the rest in my mom's garage. (I don't have much stiff to begin with, so there won't be a whole lot to store.) This way I'm not burning bridges and I can go back to living in a house easily if I decide to. THIS decision REALLY helps me feel better about the whole thing, and "travel mode" feels really exciting. <br><br>Still converting my van, my ETA for the move is approx 2 months from now. I'll take several short trips between now and then.<br><br>So there's the update. Thanks so much for everyone's thoughts, I really appreciate the support!&nbsp;
Move it to the left<br>Move it to the right<br>Stand up<br>Sit Down<br>Fight, Fight, Fight<br><br>(That was me being your cheer leader)<br><br>Im glad things are getting easier for you.<br><br>