Full Time RV to Part Time Truck Camper

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Aug 20, 2020
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Three years with my wife full timing towing a 27' travel trailer to all the contiguous US National Parks to living out of the tow vehicle with bed cap for 3 months across Canada, up the Dempster highway and around Alaska.  Now we're back in New England waiting out covid travel restrictions and planning our next adventures.
Thanks for having us,
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Most of our rules boil down to two simple over-riding principles: 1) What you post should provide good information (like your introductory post), and 2) Any response to someone else's post should make them feel glad they are part of this forum community.

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I love the Bar Harbor area.  I was working out of Bangor for six weeks last year.  The people of Maine are amazing. One of my goals is to drive back there and spend a summer camping, hiking and just enjoying that area when work my way south and back out west.  Cheers.
Dempter........I have that very same dream and hope I too can hit every national park during my travels when I retire. I would love to hear more about your trips and your adventures.
Sunrise on Cadillac mountain there’s nothing like it. Welcome to the forum Dempster Dusty. If I live I want to get back to Maine sometime. Lobster for lunch and dinner. Do you have a good list of free camping sites up there? I’ve never explored the possibility I went there in the past when people paid me to travel in the tour business. Now I have to pay my own way so it is the cheap way for me Hotel six is out of my budget. This is cheap RV living after all. God bless the nomads, all of us.

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