ERLH: "Once, I did 55 for about a month ... but honestly it felt dangerous because it was bottle necking everyone else and they were all flying around me any which way they could."
Come out west, and you'll find that this is what they do anyway! If everyone drove like they should, there wouldn't be many problems, but that's not how it goes. Here in WA (esp) many/most of the drivers are idiots. The posted speed limit is 70 (cars), 60 (trucks):
* Few of the trucks pay any attention to the speed limit.
* Many drivers think they are more important than everyone else, so they just do what they want.
* Turn signals are either optional or merely decorative.
* If anyone says truckers don't text while driving, I'll call them a liar to their face; they will roll slowly down the freeway, weaving, for miles.
* Many drivers (esp pickups) exceed the 70 in the right lane (of 3 or 4 lanes) and come flying up behind you, either just to scare you, or to intimidate you into speeding up.
* Many drivers think the left lane has no speed limit.
* Some people slow down almost to a stop in the left/passing lane so they can dodge into the gap in the concrete center barrier to make a U-turn on the freeway (this is forbidden except for cops).
* Many drivers drive 60 or less in the passing lane while they text or talk on their phone.
* A few weeks ago, a pickup driver came to a dead stop in the middle lane, and then made a U-TURN to his left in the N-bound driving lanes of the interstate to go back to the blonde that was pulled to the right in the red Miata convertible.
* If there's ice built up on the freeway (I-5), and traffic comes to a stop and they have to wait too long, they will just leave their vehicle and walk away. REALLY!
* Some semi drivers are just plain psycho: early Sunday morning, just after dawn, no traffic in sight ahead or behind except for that semi from Ontario, CAN. You're in the right land, he's moving faster in the middle lane; he gets beside you so your car is about halfway between his front and back bumpers, and then he moves over (right).
* Drivers here don't know what it means when a State Patrol car, lights blazing, flies down an onramp and starts weaving back and forth in front of a bunch of traffic. He moves left, and the people in the right lanes zoom up to pass him; he moves to the right to cut them off, and the drivers in the left lanes zoom up to pass him on that side. HE'S TRYING TO STOP YOU BECAUSE THERE'S SOMETHING COMING AT YOU FROM UP AHEAD, YOU MORONS!
People down in Oregon call WA State "FSC" (effing stupid central).