From Japan to vanlifing in the Western US

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2016
Reaction score
Hey ya'll

As you may be able to tell from the subject of this thread, it's a long story ^^

If anybody's interested in getting to know me you can always pm me :)

I came back to The States a few weeks ago, bought my first van within about 10 days or so and have been doing my best traveling around while I work on getting used to this lifestyle, deciding what to repair and purchase first, and probably most importantly thus far... where to sleep!!

I did a lot of research on this lifestyle and subject before coming back to The US so, lifestyle-wise, I'm clear on my decision and what needs to happen. It is an adventure and one that I've put off for far too long and am happy to have moved into it :)

By far the two areas which I need to smooth out more are: creating more relaxation in my life and adequately being able to comfortably and enjoyably live with the budget I have. 
From what I've researched, I should have more than enough for daily living. frugally I'll be it, but this challenge is part of the fun ^^ However the van I bought was more or less something that ran, can work and helped me to get off the streets asap. It does run but I feel I will need to upgrade to both a larger and more reliable vehicle in the near future.  And this is where the pot gets stirred..
Although I have enough money to live off per month, I am not yet set up and have chronic fatigue.  I have been told there are a few other members on this site in the same situation. This makes things extremely less than easy. but this is the life I've got, the lifestyle I've chosen and so I'm focusing on doing my best moving forward from here.

Getting set up and finding places to legally and comfortably sleep have been the majority of my focus so far.  I can't say I've really had a refreshing-enough sleep since getting back to The States, so if anyone wants to throw their 2 cents in on the subject, I'm all ears :)

I have been staying in various areas of San Diego, CA for the purpose of getting food stamps set up, my DL reinstated and to also have my van checked up and to replace whatever needs to be given more life first.  Hopefully, the van diagnosis will happen tomorrow. Then I can go get my "official" driver's license (just temporary permit for now) salvage the seats inside, strip it down, insulate it and get a bed in there asap so I can get moving toward the places I feel will rejuvenate, inspire and give life to me :)
My desired locations range from Alaska, through Canada and all the way down and over to Colorado.  Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah seem to be calling me. If possible I would like to get up that way while it's still warm. I was born in California but consider myself to have grown up in the PNW :)  Love them trees :D 

Anyway, that's a basic rundown of where I'm at, what I'm looking at doing and where I'm focused on going. Open to any suggestions and advice of course, and most definitely social connections!  Trying to take it as easy as possible and just go with the flow of life.

Wishing you all well and hope I can find the help needed to get me comfortable and vanlifing smoothly :)

Have a wonderful day ^^

Welcome aboard Andy!
Take 2 Benadryl and post back in the morning!
Welcome to the CRVL forums, Andy! George and Ms. Tioga spent a lot of time in San Diego and documented their over night spots. You can search the blog for locations

To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
You have done quite a bit in a short amount of time. And with jet lag factor, I am impressed!!!!
I agree on the Benadryl.