I will chime in. not about who is right or wrong in where the heat goes, I for once will not get involved in another argument. however I will chime in about the cost of ice. 1st off in a drink cooler that is open several times a day and replenished with warm drinks the ice will not last even close to seven days. maybe in a food cooler that gets opened once or twice a day. the test that I have seen they open them once a day. in some of the places I go ice could be 50 miles of dirt roads away. that's if the small store has any ice left. on top of that I have paid up to 7 bucks for one small bag. it was not uncommon to spend 20 bucks or more on ice. now if you have to drive 50 miles one way and spend 20 bucks on ice, it's a no brainer. btw these ice runs would take all day, so you blow a day, spend x amount on gas, plus ice, we are talking much more than all the previous posts on the cost of ice. believe me when I say, I tried everything. I tried RV refers that run on propane, so instead of ice runs we where making propane runs. I tried dorm refers, who ever does the energy consumption figures on those is on crack, out in the desert in the heat they draw 4-5 times what they claim, tried dry ice, tried burying the ice chest(this actually worked the best), tried the electric coolers(don't even waste you money), I taped the lids on ice chest closed and put added insulation around them. all of this with sub par results. then I saw the 12v refers and thought why not I have tried everything else. at first I didn't believe their energy consumption figures but the where so low I figure even if they where fudging a little it would still work. so I bought an Engel 40qt. boy o boy why didn't I do this right off the bat if I would have taken all that money I spent on other systems and just bought one of these to begin with I would be dollars ahead. I now have 2 Engels, and will add a third for use as a freezer when I build my trailer. I will be easily be able to stay out for a month, more if I stretch it. so there is my long and winding road to 12v refers. in review, if you like cold stuff and want to truly boondock in the boonies this is a no brainer. my experience. highdesertranger