Annabelle said:I have bought used vehs I do live in Maine and I take them to my garage man and ask him to look it over before I buy didn't cost anything !!
Madpeep said:Although doing it completely different from me, my parents are also becoming full-timers with their 5th wheel. My father decided to go down to Florida to set up residency and buy a truck. He didn't want to go alone, so I'm going along. I'll bring cash with me and try to buy a van in Florida while also looking for his truck. Prices are a bit cheaper and hardly any rust!
Just hide the cash really well. You are not required to reveal large amounts of cash to police or thieves, even if they ask you. You are also not required to let the police search your vehicle without cause and /or a warrant. Just be creative as to where you hide it - not just stuffed under the seat. and don't tell anyone about it. My son once had a truck from the mid 90s that the air bag in the steering wheel would pull right off with no damage. When he was caring cash to buy another truck or motorcycle he would alway hide it there.DannyB1954 said:Careful about traveling with cash. In some states if the crooks don't get you the Police might. Google asset forfeiture. You don't have to be proven guilty of anything. If you get a traffic stop all the cop has to do is say it seemed to them you were traveling to Florida to buy drugs. Sad but true.