Former Truckdweller and need some advice

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Dec 18, 2020
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Hi Everyone, 

Hope everyone is happy and healthy during this madness. I'll try to keep this short

I am a past truckdweller, did 10 months in chevy truck with a cap throughout the states and canada pre covid times. I was single and it was a blast. I met my now wife on the road. We lived in Montana for a time, even ran a lodge in the mountains together, then moved to the east coast. We rent where we are and have a dog named Tana. We dont like where we are or what we are doing and want to hit the road again, this time as a couple with a dog. 
Enter the problem...COVID!
If covid wasn't around, we'd be down the road by now. I've been reading blogs and watching videos about some people out there on the road right now dealing with covid, and from what I gather, its tough, but I may be wrong.  

I thought I'd ask here. Are there any of you out there on the road now? How is it? What bothers you the most? What are some things now that covid is here that you miss from pre covid days? Any advice you could give? MY head is full of don't do it, but my heart says its soon time to go. We'd be planning for april or may departure. We are stuck and are not sure what to do. 

Thank you for any input. Be well. 

- ontheroadlogan  (currently off the road)
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First off, welcome to the CRVL!

Secondly, I don't know how covid is on the road, but it's no pick nick off the road so to speak.
I'm looking at heading out as soon as I get my van camperized. I was hoping to be already but I don't work fast enough to meet my time lines...
I’m still hunkered down and will try to stay so until I can get vaccinated. If you are healthy and fairly certain you can avoid getting the virus where you are I would stay put especially if there is still room in hospitals should you need them.
Hospital capacity varies all over the country. If you were to get sick on the road, you might find yourself in an area where you could not receive good care. Not just for COVID but for any other serious condition.
What are you going to be traveling in?  If it is the same rig I'd suggest staying put until you can get a vaccination.

I live in the western end of West Virginia.  Parts of the state have very little Covid but they are nearly wilderness areas. (along the West Virginia/Virginia line)  Presently that area is getting some pretty heavy snow.

Governor Justice has mandated anyone entering the state must be tested or quarantine a set number of days before traveling thru the state. 

Most of the interstates run thru the capital (Charleston/Kanawha County) which has the highest number of Covid cases. 

But I 64  branches off I 81 at east Lexington, VA.  It will take you thru George Washington & Jefferson
National Park and connect with I 77 on west just south of Beckley, WV.  There are Ski Lodges around
these areas.  

Even if you just find a place to rent there and use your truck for errands you could be
in a lower Covid afflicted area.  Then be able to move along by April or May.


I would offer you to check out the links below.  The bottom one has numerous trip planning sites
that provide loads of details as well as Google Street view so you can view these places before traveling there. 

Good luck !

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