Former Tipi Dweller Gets Ready for Vandwelling

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Oct 18, 2011
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I'm currently in my 22nd year as a full-time administrative assistant in Kansas City. Many years ago I lived in a tipi, then a 15-ft camper trailer, then a school bus. Had children. Moved into a real house. Children are now grown and have children of their own. I'm 62 and will retire with Social Security and a pension in October 2012.

I'm ready to put my house on the market. Just yesterday I rented a tiny storage unit to hold valuable tax documents, genealogy files, etc. I've been selling and giving away the accumulated stuff of the last 40 years of my life. I plan to live out of my compact car for a few months, then buy a van, and travel to visit my grown sons and their families in Iowa, Kansas, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington.

Right now, my burning question is this. Is there such a thing as a 12v steam iron, and if so, where would I buy one?

Thanks for your interest and your assistance.
Wecome toupalumma....glad to meet you...I don't know if I have ever seen a 12v iron.<br>I don't know if there is a reason you need to wear clothes that need to be ironed.&nbsp; I pretty much buy clothes that are quick to dry and wrinkle resistant because I often travel via public transpo and travel very carry-on. I buy most of the clothes second-hand so I don't spend much. I find that I like to wear clothes like that most of the time anyway.<br>If you really do need clothes you have to iron due to work or something....perhaps you can buy a travel iron. There are a number that work on 240/120V AC including a steam-iron and when you do laundry at the laundramat, you can iron the clothes there...or iron when you have shore power....<br><br>The problem with 12v appliances that create heat is they take a lot of power to heat them up....<br><br>Another thought is taking the clothes that need ironing and lay them out beneath your mattress for a while to smooth them out....<br><br>Of course you can do like many of us do and follow the sun and wear shorts and a t-shirt...LOL or sweats....<br>Bri <br><br>
Whats an iron?<br><br>Haven't seen one since 85.<br><br>Wrinkles are unique.........<br>
<p>Even if you could find one, it probably wouldn't do much good. You need 110V and a lot of amps.</p><p><br></p><p>Van.</p>
One of my favorite techniques for not needing ironing is that I hang my clothes up on a hanger right from the dryer as they are hot. I find that if they are hung that early and sandwiched between other clothes in the closet, they become less wrinkled --almost wrinkle free. The ones you fold, fold them quickly as you take them out of the dryer. Do not allow your clothes to cool while bunched up in the basket.<div>I have not needed an iron for 10 years now. If you need the crisp crease, then yeah, nothing but an iron can do that.&nbsp;</div><div>Good advice on ironing while at the laundromat.&nbsp;</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Greetings... Good to have you here.&nbsp; My sister lives in the north part of KC, near the hospital on Barry Road.&nbsp; I get down there a couple times a year.&nbsp; </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I'm in eastern Iowa in the Cedar Rapids/ Iowa City area.&nbsp; It's pretty RV/ van friendly around here.</p>

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