FOR WOMEN ONLY: Mr Reorganization is at it, again

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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2014
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I left him alone while I went to the mall, and now I can't find anything. He just can't leave anything alone. He has to phutz with things, and then HE can't remember where he put them! We both end up tearing cabinets and bins apart for weeks looking for things. Fortunately for him, he reorganized the rat poison to where I can't find it, too.

My dad loved putzing around messing with things, so my mom kept a handy list of "suggestions" for him.  Kept him happy and her a bit less crazy.   :p
Maybe this should be moved out of The Girl's Room to give the guys a chance to defend themselves
Hahahaha, best line "reorganized the rat poison". Thanks for the good laugh today.
My elderly mom recently moved into a small house. She keeps telling me she has this or that but cant find it. Said she was going to start writing down where everything is so she doesn't have to go through the house.
bigsallysmom, I have the same problem as your Mom. Two years ago I moved from an old 3 bed. 2 bath house that was full of furniture & stuff, plus I had the 2 car garage full, a 2 room apt. & a large shed full of furniture & stuff. I gave away and gave away, so I could move into a small one bedroom apt. I have wicker furniture now that is light enough for me to move on my own but both closets are full of stuff and I still have more stored in my Son's garage. I keep going thru & giving, selling & throwing stuff away. I am always looking for something that I need to use & usually can't find so it is either hiding, lost or gone & I forgot that I got rid of it. I am so tired of it all. I'll be glad (and I know my Son will be glad) when I finally get thru it all & it is all gone one way or another!
This is so funny. I had an ex who was just thick as a brick. I told him when he first moved into my house that the first rule was to NEVER mess with my kitchen. I went to work one day and came back to find everything in the kitchen rearranged. I wanted to scream but I just said "Did I not tell you not to mess with my kitchen?" He said "I forgot," so I said "Just so you'll never forget again, put everything back the way it was -- now." He couldn't remember where everything was, so I stood there and directed him, but he had to do it all himself. He never touched my kitchen, or any other room in the house, again.

I actually have a recipe box with 3x5 cards that has where certain seldom-used things are stored in the house. I "hide" my bike lock keys once (God ony knows why!) and had to have them cut off and buy new ones. Now I write everything down.
The whole time I was moving out, my now-ex insisted on "helping". Every time I sorted through a pile of my stuff he'd come along and dump more stuff on top of it and then tell me, "You need to go through this." I'd end up going through the same piles of stuff 3 or 4 times. Drove me nuts!

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