FOR WOMEN ONLY: Alternate way to attend RTR if no vehicle?!?

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2014
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I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to post this so mods pls feel free to move as needed.

Hello Ladies:

I live in Portland and would like to try to attend the RTR if at all possible. I saw a thread about a caravan to the RTR but since I don't yet have a vehicle, that would be hard to join. I also saw something written about taking a plane into AZ and then renting a vehicle to camp in. I seriously considered that, even thinking I could ship my gear home via USPS, but the cost is enough for me to buy a low end van so I started looking at vans. But it's such an important decision that I don't want to rush it.

So I'm wondering if someone on the way to the RTR would have room enough and the desire to have me tag along. Of course I would chip in for the gas and my own food along the way. I'm also a good worker and a decent cook and can drive if you so desire. If you're staying on after maybe I could get a ride to the nearest town with public transportation then I can take a bus to the nearest airport.

I know it's a lot to ask, especially in small spaces, to invite someone you don't know into your home. Maybe someone who has a MH. I live in Portland but could meet you any place that's a days bus or train ride away.

I'd like to attend the RTR to check out all the different rigs and set-ups, of course. Another reason I'd like to attend is to meet up with some like minded folks. I've been lurking on the forum for awhile now and have just started posting. I've read so many threads it's like I know some of you. I want to meet you in person and hear some more stories. I've already resolved that this is what I want to do and have a plan on how I'm going to accomplish it. But my family will think I've lost my mind. Besides, if a picture is worth a thousand words, seeing the RTR in person and spending time there will be priceless.

As I said, I know it's a lot to ask so if there are no takers, I won't take it personally. Actually I find it a little scary to ask someone I don't know if I can camp with them for a week or two. That's why I posted in the women only section. Sorry guys, I know most of you (your gender) are great guys but I am just not that adventurous at this point in my life to share that intimate of space with a man I don't know. But this lifestyle is about living on my own terms, and conquering my own fears to go after the life I want. So this is my next step in the process to see if I can attend the RTR w/o having a vehicle yet.

If anyone has any ideas on how I could accomplish this I'm all ears, er eyes :-/ . Maybe it will work out, maybe it won't but I needed to throw it out there. If this year's RTR isn't in the cards for me, there's always next year:)

You can either respond publicly or PM or email me. We can chat a little while and get to know one another and see if our personalities fit well enough with no hard feelings if either of us thinks it won't. I want this to be a pleasurable and a learning experience, not stressful for either of us.

Thanks for your consideration.

Anyone know the situation with buses nowadays? It used to be you could travel all over the country fairly cheaply. Likewise there is the Amtrak train service. So perhaps GypsyChic could travel to San Francisco or Los Angeles or another convenient location in the West and meet up with a woman vandweller.
There is Mega Bus and it is very nice and really cheap. I used it to travel between Charlotte N.C. and Washington D.C. last spring. I am not sure of the routes, but you could look at the website and see if it would work.
Thanks Ladies for your replies. My concern isn't so much the expense of traveling there, although that is a concern, but if I travel by something other than my own vehicle then where do I stay while I'm there. I've read that staying in a tent is not the best. I am an experienced car camper and backpacker, although it's been some years since I've done either, but I don't have any equipment now. Now some equipment could transfer over to my van life but I don't want to invest in camping equipment that I will rarely use. Plus, I really did get the idea that it was rough tent camping there at that time. Never doing it, maybe I am more worried than I should be.

For those of you who have been there how has tent camping been for those who have done it? Is it easy to tag along with someone for a run to the store for ice and food a couple of times?

Based on any favorable responses re:tent camping, I'll ask around and see if I can borrow some camping gear.

Yes, Megabus is great. When I was back east I was aware of it. Last I knew they weren't out west but I'll check again. Thanks for reminding me about it.

Yes, I know amtrak well. I've traveled up and down the I-5 corridor with amtrak many times as well as traversed from east to west once about 20 years ago. I have been looking into it as an option. My reservations were, again, about the tent camping when I got there.

Thanks for your suggestions ladies. Maybe I shouldn't have posted this in the ladies only. Because I have, men can't post suggestions to me. Well if any men have some suggestions that because of posting in the Ladies Only section you can't post, please feel free to PM me. Soory for the inconvenience of it.

I'm going to keep working on figuring something out. And if it's not in the cards this year, then there is always next year.


Your impression that tent camping is a challenge during the RTR is correct. The wind will tear most tents apart. And, even if your tent can withstand the wind, it's not much fun having to stay inside one during most/all of the day.

I camped next to a woman who rented a cargo van in Phoenix last year. I thought that was a great way to test out vandwelling while checking out how other folks do it at the RTR. I'm not completely sure, but I think it was a U-Haul.

Could you bus/train/fly to Phoenix, then rent a van for the duration?

Suanne ... still window shopping for a van herself

Oh, as for the gear, I'd keep it very simple and pack it in a large suitcase or 2 (vs. shipping it) -- self-inflating pad, sleeping bag, small stove, clothing, etc. If you bus/train/fly into Phoenix, get your consumables there -- stove fuel, food, many toiletries, bathroom/bathing supplies, etc. You could even hit up a thrift store for extra blankets or a camp chair for cheap before heading into Quartzsite.
Thanks Suanne for your thoughts. Glad to have a confirmation about the tent camping. Before I sent my request I did look into that very thing with flying into Phoenix and renting a Uhaul van. I think it was suggested in one of the threads I read. After adding up the cost of airfare, daily rental, miles it was almost around $1400-1500 I think. I remember it was close to half my van budget. Then I needed to add on the cost of gear and gas, which I'd have one way or another. At that point I thought I should just find a van so I started to look at a few this past week.

Then I realized I shouldn't rush the decision on a van just because I wanted to to get to the RTR. It was too important. And I don't want to spend that kind of money getting to the RTR because that can make a difference in the quality of van I get. So I thought I put it out there to see if anyone was willing to split gas and have me hang out. If someone was willing and we talked on the phone a bit and it sounded like we were a good fit personality wise then I thought it would be great. But it won't be the end of the world. If I can't make it this year there is always next year. By next year I will definitely be in a mobile vehicle living.

There's other ways to get accomplished what I wanted to get by attending RTR. I really wanted to attend a lot of the seminars. Even if I can't make it to RTR I found some ways I can further my education right here at home. I signed up for a low cost intro to car upkeep. Class 1 is oil change and a few other things. Class 2 is tune ups and such. I'm hoping to make some connections so I can further my education. I also looked up some local auto clubs, thinking next year I could hang around some people as they are working on their cars, when it's warmer.

I'm still going to try to make it work somehow to get to the RTR but if it doesn't work I won't be to disappointed. There is always next year :) and I can keep working toward my goal.

The question is if there is any woman vandweller going to RTR who would be willing to share her accomodations with GypsyChic. So even if she is coming from an opposite direction than Portland, GypsyChic might be able to take a bus, train or airplane to meet up with her somewhere to continue on to RTR.

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