FLU and precautions

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Jul 16, 2017
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Greetings, all:

The flu is pretty rampant this year, and Arizona just happens to be a hotbed of activity.  I am late leaving for the RTR because I wanted to get over the flu.  Yes, I had the flu shot in Oct.  Anyway, I am seeing on YouTube that some folks who are already out there are sick with the bug.  

Take precautions - hand sanitizer, have plenty of fluids and you may even want to pick up cough/cold/flu medicine to have on hand with you.  If you get sick - seek medical help, keep to yourself as best as possible to avoid spreading it.  If your camp buddies have it, keep tabs on them.  This strain is pretty nasty and I don't want anyone of us to come down with it.  

Same with us, doctors said 4 to 8 weeks for recovery but once fever is gone transmission is doubtful.
In S&B. Spouse got sick this morning with the flu. I can't imagine how awful this would be to be in a van without adequate bathroom facilities and room for all the stuff I'm doing to make her comfortable.
I know that the RTR is a big deal. Some folks look forward to it all year, plan around it, spend money getting to it but the best advice is to stay home if you feel the unwell. There's always next year.
And if you do go to the RTR, please refrain from giving hugs, kisses and handshakes to your new and long time friends.

I know it sounds silly, but that's how the flu is spread, and people, sick or not, do like to shake hands with folks they've just met.

I imagine they'll be quite a bit of that at the RTR.
BigT said:
And if you do go to the RTR, please refrain from giving hugs, kisses and handshakes to your new and long time friends.  

I am over the flu now but I can understand  - I probably won't be to willing to make physical contact due to reinfection.   :(

Queen of the Gypsies said:
I probably won't be too willing to make physical contact due to reinfection.   :(

Eight years of dating a molecular biologist, in my younger years, turned me into a major germaphobe.  

Now if I see people so much as sniffling, sneezing or just looking sick, I won't go anywhere near them...  
If it's a pot-luck and I see sick people anywhere near the communal food items, I'm gong back to my rig and making my own dinner.   

Just to keep this on topic...  It's not just handshakes and hugs you need to worry about.  Touching things others have placed their hands (and other body parts) on is another good way to pick up bacteria and viruses.  Doorknobs are a good example, but really it could be anything at all.  
(I don't imagine there will be a lot of doorknobs at the RTR)...  

From what I've been reading, flu viruses can live on hard surfaces for between 10 and 24 hours.   :s
Too Late..............I'm sick......I left the RTR for "sick camp" at the LTVA La Posa South (Vault Toilets !)...........I hope to return

The worst thing is everything in the van is contaminated.....DAMN !.......I'll need a HazMat team to clean it afterwards

Anyone ever watch the old TV series Monk ?.........the germaphobe detective once inspected his hotel room with a blacklight........BLEACH !!!!!!

I ate some Campbell's chicken soup from the "van's-pantry"........Best used by July 2011..........well that's not too far out-of-date

abnorm said:
Too Late..............I'm sick......I left the RTR for "sick camp" at the LTVA La Posa South (Vault Toilets !)...........I hope to return

The worst thing is everything in the van is contaminated.....DAMN !.......I'll need a HazMat team to clean it afterwards

Anyone ever watch the old TV series Monk ?.........the germaphobe detective once inspected his hotel room with a blacklight........BLEACH !!!!!!

I ate some Campbell's chicken soup from the "van's-pantry"........Best used by July 2011..........well that's not too far out-of-date


Thanks Doug for being considerate of the folks at the RTR.  It's appreciated and I hope you feel better real soon.  T-
abnorm said:
Too Late..............I'm sick......I left the RTR for "sick camp" at the LTVA La Posa South (Vault Toilets !)...........I hope to return

The worst thing is everything in the van is contaminated.....DAMN !.......I'll need a HazMat team to clean it afterwards

Anyone ever watch the old TV series Monk ?.........the germaphobe detective once inspected his hotel room with a blacklight........BLEACH !!!!!!

I ate some Campbell's chicken soup from the "van's-pantry"........Best used by July 2011..........well that's not too far out-of-date


Doug if you need anything Gotsmart and a few of us are camped in La Posa South. We are running back and forth and can easily bring whatever you need. I'll PM you my phone number.
Human nature being what it is, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that there are folks in Quartzsite who have the flu and have not barricaded themselves away.

Kudos to the folks who have. And big big thanks to the folks who are offering to go get medicines and such for the ailing.

Looks like facemasks coupled with washing hands with soap and warm water often does a good job of preventing the transmission of the flu. Facemasks could be used by those who didn't want to get the flu and by those who were getting over it. Sure would be a great indicator to not get too close to someone.
Hikers have by and large replaced the handshake with the fist bump to avoid viruses and such.

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I am trying the alcohol method. Internally.
Take Vitamin C hourly in large amounts. I’ve stopped Strep Throat five times the day it started with 3-4000mg/HOUR for one day. I don’t get flus or colds anymore either.

free2enjoy said:
Take Vitamin C hourly in large amounts.   I’ve stopped Strep Throat five times the day it started with 3-4000mg/HOUR for one day.  I don’t get flus or colds anymore either.  

From the MAYO CLINIC website

[font=Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif]Is it possible to take too much vitamin C?
Answers from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an essential nutrient. Still, it's possible to have too much vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that supports normal growth and development. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron. Because your body doesn't produce or store vitamin C, it's important to include vitamin C in your diet.

For most people, a large orange or a cup of strawberries, chopped red pepper or broccoli provide enough vitamin C for the day. Any extra vitamin C will simply be flushed out of your body in your urine.
For adults, the recommended dietary reference intake for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day. Although too much dietary vitamin C is unlikely to be harmful, megadoses of vitamin C supplements may cause:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Heartburn
  • Abdominal bloating and cramps
  • Headache
  • Insomnia
  • Kidney stones
Remember, for most people, a healthy diet provides an adequate amount of vitamin C.[/size]
When ill, the body needs more vitamin C. IMO, it’s nature’s emergency antibiotic.

When I take the large amount of C, I don’t get any side effects. The worst I’ve heard from others is that they get the runs. I only take C hourly when I feel my symptoms of strep.

I wouldn’t take this amount of C without being or becoming sick simply because it’s not needed and it’s very expensive.

The nuance is to take it in large amounts hourly when sick, not when free of sickness.
Be sure to start or up your intake of zinc too. A virus can't reproduce in a zinc environment. If you do come in contact with the flu virus and you are zinc'd up it won't have a chance to spread while your body is trying to figure out how to fight it. Zinc, Vitamin C and plenty of water to keep your system flushed out and hydrated. Eating proper and sleeping regular helps as well. You have to keep your immune system in top shape or the pukey squirts are in your future. Reading a bunch of news about it and they are saying that flu cases are up nearly 800% this year. Good luck keeping the virus at bay....

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