Regularly taking even a $5000 FLA bank down to 20% SoC will give you a **very small** fraction of cycle lifetime compared to 50%. Staying in the top 20% will give many times longer, but the ratio won't be nearly as steep as the first one.
Even with Rolls / Surrette, you will never get 500 cycles going down to zero, 10.5 V
Yet cared for properly, they can often last 12-15 years of fulltime use coddled, pushing to say 70% SoH State of Health as your definition of EoL End of Life.
Bubbling and offgassing is a normal part of proper charging, 100% Full is spec'd by measuring trailing amps while holding Absorb volts, only dropping to Float after endAmps is reached.
If the battery box is well ventilated as it should be, there is no danger of fumes ignition.
Overcharging is harmful, by definition.
Mfg spec'd Equalizing protocols are used to preventing sulfation, more frequently in PSOC partial SoC abuse situations where you just can't get to Full at least a few days per week.
That is not overcharging if you properly follow the mfg specs for your battery, can require special equipment, should always be a manual process each battery done separately.