Hello all. About a year ago I became interested in van-dwelling as a way of looking into alternatives to the 9-5, Monday to Friday rat race. <br><br>Figuring that rent and utilities came to about 30% of my income, I thought that if I could operate a van on 10% of my income, I could work 20% less (i.e. a 4 day week) without any change to how much I was saving and spending, and I could spend the extra day of freedom looking into other alternative lifestyles, or better jobs or start my own business; basically using van-dwelling as a stepping-stone out of the rat-race.<br><br>I mentioned the idea to a few people, with mixed responses, but due to my work going through an insanely busy time, there was never an opportunity for me to reduce my hours and the idea was put on the back-burner.<br><br>Then I traveled to the UK, where I (far too briefly) once lived. I spoke to some inspirational friends there and have come back with renewed determination to make this work. <br><br>I'm now doing some thorough research to make sure I don't get in over my head, purchase a van that is wrong for me, or end up taking on anything I'm not prepared for. <br><br>To be honest, planning this has been almost as fun as I imagined it would be to actually do it.<br>