First RTR, But Not My First Rodeo. :)

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New member
Nov 12, 2017
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Albuquerque NM
Hello everyone, My nickname is Noonie, I am a 57 year old woman who travels part time in a Ford Transit Cargo van that my hubby helped me renovate, but he has no interest in my nomadic ways or camping! That's fine, because he's supportive, and I LOVE traveling alone. I did a 6,500 mile trip last spring that was the best trip of my life. I continue to regularly get away for smaller trips, and am really looking forward to the RTR to meet other people like me, who have that inherent wanderlust, and need to be outdoors. I'm especially interested in finding people who like to hike a little and explore.  Peace. 
PS If you want to check out my blog
Welcome to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you.
Hi Noonie--
Just spent almost an hour reading your entire blog...You're a real inspiration! You claim not to be able to read maps, yet you've gone on very far trips to many different states, BY YOURSELF! Wow!
Your photos were gorgeous, especially the sunset after the rainstorm.....fantastic.
You shared your trips from such a great perspective, I'm sure you fit right in many wonderful folks.

Please keep posting and inspiring me/us!
I think you're going to have a really great time at the RTR and you'll find some hikers. I recommend KOFA! which is due south of Quartzsite, great hiking in the wildlife refuge
FlowerGirl said:
Hi Noonie--
Just spent almost an hour reading your entire blog...You're a real inspiration! You claim not to be able to read maps, yet you've gone on very far trips to many different states, BY YOURSELF! Wow!
Your photos were gorgeous, especially the sunset after the rainstorm.....fantastic.
You shared your trips from such a great perspective, I'm sure you fit right in many wonderful folks.

Please keep posting and inspiring me/us!

Thank you so much FlowerGirl. I hope our paths will cross one day. ::)'ll always remember you as my first welcome here..:)