First rain here since in the van.

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2014
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It had to happen sooner or later. Rain came down this.morning, starting around 4:30am. When it first started it woke me up and was a lot more of a noise issue than I thought. Mostly because it was sparatic... made it very difficult to get back to sleep. Took me an hour to get back to sleep and the rain was going strong then (which actually helped since it was a constant sound). I did end up sleeping in much later than usual. Normally get going about 6:30 but this morning I didn't move until 8 or so.
The sound of the rain on the roof is one of the benefits of van life. It is so relaxing and comforting. To know that the elements are so close, yet you are warm and dry in a nice bed is the best feeling around.
Dang rain kept waking me up too. I turned on 2 fans as "white noise" to help drown out the rain smacking the roof top.
I often sleep with ear plugs in and a radio going, to drown out outdoor sounds. Having noisy neighbors does not help. I love the sound of falling rain. Peaceful and natural.
Unless it is raining crazy hard, I love the sound on my fiberglass roof. I find it intoxicating and sleep inducing.

In NZ, I had a tin top uninsulated van and rainstorms there were unpleasant and would keep me awake.

Earplugs are kind of dangerous for me. Too prone to ear infections due to occluded ear canals. White noise preferable.

but there is a certain obnoxious screeching parakeet i wish to kill with a sledgehammer, and i want to miss on the first dozen swings, and after i do smear it I want to push it 6 feet deep with the same sledgehammer. Contemptible creature.

Birds in cages is a crime in my opinion. This thing has opportunities to fly away every day, but just sits there, afraid, and screeches and screeches. POS
I usually find the sound of rain soothing and helpful for sleeping but this morning it was making the kind of noise that would be the same as if someone was tapping on my van or trying to break in. This kind of noise my brain wanted to keep me acutely aware of instead of letting me sleep. Once it started pouring rem sleep was no problem.

I have earplugs but don't like to use them. If devoid of all noise I get a ringing in my ears thanks to diabetes.

Stern might I suggest a ranged weapon over melee for your parakeet problem? :)
I like the sound of raindrops when I'm outside, say on the beach. But the sound of raindrops smacking against the rooftop and windows really disturbs my sleep and wakes me up in the middle of the night. Constantly. Drives me a bit nutty.
I love sleeping to natural sounds, like the rain, or a babbling brook

but it's electronic humming that drives me outta my mind!! (my wife has a dehumidifyer running in our bathroom that I can clearly hear in bed, and it drives me balistic!!!) No 'white noise' for me!! :p

did you know that when most people are asked to hummm a note, that the majority of them humm a B-flat?? They do this because the frequency of electrical waves is usually a B-flat, and thus, this is the most common note they hear and refer to.
Strangely, I find the noise of a moderately busy street comforting. I'm reasonably sure that this is because the house I grew up in was right smack in the middle of the block of a somewhat busy street with busy cross streets at either end of the block. It took some time for me to get used to the relative quiet where I live now.
We got a big downpour today. I am grateful to report there are no leaks, that I'm aware of. Whew!
I am grateful that my last sticks and bricks home had a big front porch with a tin roof! I love the sound of rain which is great because for the time being I am in the Pacific Northwest. I am listening to a light shower right now mixed with larger drops from the trees I am parked beneath. Today is the 21st day I have slept in my van! I love it!
although when it's starts to rain it usually wakes me up. I soon fall back to sleep and sleep fine after that. if it's raining when I go to bed I fall asleep fine. a lite rain sounds like pop corn being popped on a metal roof. highdesertranger
highdesertranger said:
although when it's starts to rain it usually wakes me up. I soon fall back to sleep and sleep fine after that. if it's raining when I go to bed I fall asleep fine. a lite rain sounds like pop corn being popped on a metal roof. highdesertranger

I've never heard pop corn popping on a metal roof. Is that an Idaho thing?

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