First in with the COPS

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2013
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Hi! I'm new to the forum! What an awesomely active and knowledgeable group of people, you all are!<br><br>I had a terrible experience the first night of "living" in my white work van. The van's about half complete. A small amount of light still comes through the wall separating the cab from the cargo area, and I had black trash bags on the side windows. I'm still working on it. This is why when I had to travel this weekend, I got permission to sleep at a friend's house. I just needed a place to park for the day.<br><br>6:00pm: I guess my van looked suspicious to someone in the parking lot of a Food Lion. I parked, walked to the adjacent McDonalds, and brought back french fries. I hopped in the back to eat my fries, and about halfway through the carton, there was a knock on my door. It was the cops! 5 minutes after getting in the back! They had the cop car in the road, with their headlights shining on my van. They asked to search the van, although they just kind of shined the flashlights inside. The DRILLED me with all kinds of questions. <br><br>"Why are you insulating the van, that's kind of odd." "How old are you?" "What's wrong, you don't like cops?" "What are you studying?" "What kind of history class?" "What do you want to be?" "Where are you from?" "Where are you staying tonight?" "What's your friend's address?" "You don't know the exact address, that's kind of odd. Usually people know their friend's address." Oh, and, "are you homeless," about a million times. I kept saying "no" because, as of right now, I'm really not! I swear they delivered an onslaught of questions that didn't stop for at least 15 minutes.<br><br>It was clear they were trying to embarrass me in front of the rest of the parking lot. What's more, they took my picture.<br><br>Obviously, I'm never going back to this area of town again. But, this experience left me feeling very uncertain about the whole van dwelling idea. Apparently the person who allegedly called the cops said that the van was "moving." I was barely moving back there. Should I try to stay as still as possible? Do you all try not to make noise when you're in the back? Can the cops give you a charge for van dwelling that will go on your permanent record? Any pep talks for me, haha?<br><br>Thanks <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I've never been knocked on by cops. But then again, I don't sleep in out of town places. I simply kept to the neighborhood I knew well and where folks probably ignore my van because they see it often.<br>I used black cloth for my window coverings if that helps. I also stretched a shower rod to separate the driver's area from my living area. Same thing at the back. Used a shower rod and a shower cloth liner (all black).<br>the light still shone if I used a laptop I noticed, but I always parked under a street lamp (as some people here do) to eliminate suspicion and to disguise the glow from my curtains as light from the outside.<br><br>Having said that, I am sure the guys on here are pro's on the whole keeping quiet in your van thing.&nbsp;<br>Well, just hang in there.&nbsp;I'm sure you will develop an even better technique for hiding the light glow from inside. (Another technique I did to hide my computer screen glow was to put a blanket over my entire head)
I have never had cops knock on my van.

I don't let any light escape, I keep quiet (headphones), and when I need to move I do it in slow motion so the van doesn’t rock.

I spray painted my rear windows with black Plastidip so it looks like dark tinted windows and can be peeled off if I sell my van:

I also have blackout curtains across the front:

As for what to say when the cops talk to you I highly recommend this video :

Remember that the cops are trying to get you to admit to having committed a crime so that they can issue a citation or take you to jail.

If the police do attempt to interrogate me (and if I can't pretend I am not there) I plan on saying:

"I have an anxiety disorder. I have been advised by a lawyer not to answer any questions without a lawyer present."
aww <img src="/images/boards/smilies/frown.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> I'm sorry you had such a yukky experience!<br><br>I have only had a cop once since I started full-timing.&nbsp; It was a very relaxing experience.&nbsp; He just looked at me and then walked back to his car and drove off.&nbsp; I haven't had any bad experiences like you did.<br><br>I rarely park in actual parking lots tho.&nbsp; I usually just try to blend in with other vans with street parking, when I'm in cities.<br><br id="tinymce" class="mceContentBody ">With Love,<br>Tara
Rule of thumb with cops:<br><br>Be nice. <br><br>Be honest (as possible). lol.<br><br>You could make up any story you wanted also. <br>"Me and a friend had a arguement. I left and went bought somwthing to eat, Jumped into the back to chill out for awhile. (You dont have to say sleep / spend the night)."<br>Most times they will run your ID (not always) and be on their way if you have no warrants.<br><br>I have hitchhiked and got ID'ed aseveral times and all in all they have been pretty cool.<br>Ran into a state trooper in GA that was on abit of a power trip once. But I just kept my cool and when my ID came back clean he left and I walked on.
Sorry you got hasseled.&nbsp; All the replys make sense. Maybe you just met a&nbsp; grouch. Good luck.&nbsp; Ed
Thank you guys so much for your responses! I realized another thing about the area. The city has one of the highest homocide rates in the country, so the suburbs (where I was, and I know to stay away at all times, now) are extra paranoid. It may take some work to find an in-between.<br><br>wandering rain...parking under a street light is a great tip! I bet it would put people's minds at ease, too, because the van's not "lurking in the shadows." I don't WANT to put a blanket over my head :p But, it would not be the worst thing in the world. Thanks for the tips!<br><br>downbytheriver...Bah, I WISH I could camp down by the river. Wouldn't that be a sweet spot? Better than a parking lot, that's for sure. The Plastidip tip is an interesting one. I have 5% window tinting, so I get light during the day. I'm almost certain you can't see in, except early dawn and dusk, when the ambient light outside equals the amount inside. For night time, I cut out reflectix that velcros to the window seal. It's a tight fit, so it doesn't let any light out. If I find that you can see inside the window tinted windows, during the day, I'll definitely try the Plastidip. Thanks!<br><br>I LOVE this: "I have an anxiety disorder. I have been advised by a lawyer not to answer any questions without a lawyer present." I love it because the police always make me want to cry, so it's believable. Maybe living in my van will make me less overwhelmed by them. I will definitely check out the video when I finish my homework!<br><br>peacetara...parallel parking this monster SCARES me, haha! I think there are a good amount of street parking spots in an industrial area of the city. I'm thinking that would be a good place. Thanks for telling me you've only had one cop encounter. That makes me feel better!<br><br>xterraguy...I've been thinking about devising a story, for when I actually start fulltiming. I'm worried that saying I wasn't planning on sleeping there, when I have a bed in the back, might be less believable. I think keeping your cool with cops is important. I need to work on that!<br><br>coast to coast...I'm hoping it was a fluke, too! It's so hard to treat someone with respect, when they're treating you like a criminal. Any question they asked got asked 2 or 3 times. I was worried they were going to lock me up, but I didn't even do anything wrong. I will need to work on the respect thing, though, because I'm not trying to get locked up for having an attitude.<br><br>1oleman...Thank you, Ed. Good luck, to you, too!<br><br>Thanks again, guys! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
Parallel parking is definitely SCARY! I haven't even attempted trying in Ferdy (my van) yet.&nbsp; I never park in super busy places where I can't find a place without having to parallel park.&nbsp; My house moves, I don't have to be in any 1 spot, so I might as well go find a spot I *LIKE*.&nbsp; I agree parking under street lamps is a bonus.&nbsp; I think it does stealth as mentioned before, and hides any stray light from under the curtains or whatever, and also it gives you safety.&nbsp; If I have to get out when it's dark (something I try to never do) I have a nice street lamp giving me lots of visibility, and I can see everything out the window(s) before opening the door and doing whatever it is I need to do.&nbsp; <br><br>I have total faith you can do it!&nbsp; It's totally overwhelming and scary when you first start, but it gets better. Relax, breathe and take one thing at a time.<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Tara, you're very sweet. Thank you. I am soaking up the support, right now!<br><br>I think parking under a street light makes a lot of sense. The back lock has obviously been picked before! It's misshapen.<br><br>How did you get the name Ferdy? My boyfriend likes "Chevy Dick," for our giant whale (Moby Dick) of a van!<br><br>EDIT: Oh, I see! Ferdinand the Bull. I like it!
welcome hon and what a mess to have to endure.<br><br>i am wondering what area of the country this is, with all the hunt for the Dorner character, cops might be over reacting some? and peeps as well.<br><br>you can always say you are fleeing an abusive relationship, "battered woman" thing. and you can't give any info as you fear for your safety. the worst they can do is direct you to a shelter, where you don't have to answer questions either, and you might get a free nights stay there, un-harrased.<br><br>i used to travel alot, and have had to do so in the last year a few times. i never tried to hide i was sleeping in my vehicle. i used my laptop in the front seat, day/night. once i ran out of gas in the mountains and had to call the pokey to see where the nearest one was. they even offered to bring me some gas and help. but again, depends on where you are and the climate at that time?
Hi Aunt Meg,<br><br>I think it's all about the climate of the area. I knew to stay away from the suburbs, and it was in the suburbs. I just thought I'd be okay for a few hours, until I drove to my friend's house for the night. It's a very rich suburb on the outskirts of a crime ridden city. The people are just nuts. I'm never going back there, again! Your response, and the others, are helping me realize it was just the wrong location, and things will probably be better, in another place!<br><br>It does feel a little like the paranoia during the hunt for Dorner, doesn't it? That made me giggle a bit. No, it wasn't anywhere near there. Just uptight people with too much money, and a disdain for alternative lifestyles.<br><br>-RP<br><br>P.S.- I can't say enough that you all have made me feel much better. I was totally doubting this whole thing. I just couldn't listen to my friends logic in trying to reassure me, when they have no experience with this stuff. Thank you!
;Does it peel off easy? Have you done it before?[/quote]

Yes, it works great. Easy to peel off.
rabiesandpeewee said:
&lt;br&gt;downbytheriver...Bah, I WISH I could camp down by the river. Wouldn't that be a sweet spot? Better than a parking lot, that's for sure. "&gt;

My username refers to the hilarious Saturday Night Live sketch where Chris Farley says:" I live in a van down by the river! "

I live in a large city and move my van every 3 days to avoid problems. I've never parked by a river, but sometimes I park near a lake.

I also agree with the people who recommend avoiding parking lots and that it's good to park under street lights.
I'd only just heard of this skit since I started looking into living in a van. It's so funny! It's silly, though...wouldn't it be worse if it were, "I live in a van down by the Home Depot?" I think a river sounds like a right nice place to live, in a van, or anything else! I also like the idea of living down by a lake!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;I'll take the parking lot advice to heart. Thanks!
I would NEVER call a cop sir and especially not maam. If they're disgracing their uniform by acting like a punk, or even unprofessional they most definitely do NOT deserve my respect.
You know...I tend to agree with you on an emotional level, but to me the most important thing is that they just LEAVE. So I will call them sir and maam, if I have to!
The very fact that they are in a uniform demands I give them my respect by using sir and mam. Then again, I'm from the south and we call the 16 year old gal in the Taco Bell drive through window "Mam". If they in turn prove unworthy of my respect, I will continue to use good manners since that conveys who I am to them, rather than who they are to me.
Maybe the police figured you were cooking drugs? I was only questioned once..a neighbourhood watch guy tapped on my window and said a security guard patrols the neighbourhood starting at midnight, he was very polite. As I was leaving I noticed the homes were all million dollar mansions...oops
CrossCountryGal said:
The very fact that they are in a uniform demands I give them my respect by using sir and mam.
<br><br>I just don't see things that way, which always infuriated my Southern born mother. We haven't talked in years. I try to default on being a respectful and caring person. However, if I'm belittled or abused in any way, I feel I don't owe the person anything. I don't care about a person's profession, or title. We're all people, and we all deserve equal and adequate respect. But, I try to hide my feelings when dealing with LEOs, because they tend to expect respect, whether or not they deserve it.<br><br>
maritimecamper said:
Maybe the police figured you were cooking drugs? I was only questioned once..a neighbourhood watch guy tapped on my window and said a security guard patrols the neighbourhood starting at midnight, he was very polite. As I was leaving I noticed the homes were all million dollar mansions...oops
<br><br>I think they might have, which is why "searching the vehicle" just entailed shining a flashlight inside. What a place to park for the night! Oopsy! I'm happy for you, that the neighborhood watch was friendly, as they should be.<br><br>QUESTION: Can you consent to a partial search? As in, "you can look around to see that I'm not making drugs, and can even smell anything you want, but please don't rip apart anything that is constructed?" Or would that just give them probable cause to be suspicious, and rip things apart?

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