FIRES and Tires Oh My

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Sep 8, 2016
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Hmmmmm........An In-tents-fire........Something seems wrong with that Photo????

We're running from the Fires in Oregon.........We were at the Harriman Fire when it brokeout and jumped the lake......hanging out in NorCal for a while..............Forest Service Campground

The Rainbow Family Gathering just got shut down in the area.............34 Rangers moved in to enforce the forest closure notice

On our way here I discovered a Tire problem.............I must have clipped a rock and split the edge of a tire..........
There's a Les Schaub tire store 30 minutes away..........He has ONE tire I need................I broke out the Silicone Caulk and glued and clamped the "Flap" in-place to prevent further damage during the drive..........Fingers-crossed ! I tried to RE-Tire earlier this Spring BUT Big O tires quit making this series...........................

YES I have a spare BUT at 70 yrs old I can't Break-loose the Lugs

Careful out there.............................
AI is not something I am fond of seeing on the internet. It is the worst of the worst for fake anything and everything situations.

For Paulette…I recently came across an article about how crochet patterns created by AI are showing up on internet sites with AI generated images of them being completed projects. That people attempting to follow the directions were finding the patterns impossible to follow and make.
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You could do that photo pretty easily with 1990s Photoshop.
AI is good for a lot of things and bad for a lot of things but it's also famous for its glitches. When it loses those glitches, that's when I'd start to worry ...
The quality of the output depends a lot on the quality of the prompts you feed into it. There's actually a job specialty right now called "prompt engineer" because it's pretty complicated to get this right, but I imagine that the more sophisticated AI gets, the less sophisticated the prompts will need to be.
MacDonalds tried to use AI to take orders but has given up on it for now (one of the funnier results was ice cream with bacon).
You definitely have to fact-check anything generated by AI since it's not really "thinking through" the facts, it just "knows" what words are likely to appear together. (Sort of like the Google Ngram Viewer on steroids with a lot more buttons and bells, is my primitive idea of it.) So it can write really slick-sounding prose which might be totally wrong.
I think it's really unethical to put AI-generated product out without labeling it as such. There are a lot of other issues too that businesses and governments are going to have to come to terms with. I took a couple weeks to try to learn more about it last year but it scared me xitless and I went back to ignoring it. Not really a smart move as it is not going away. FWIW, the best courses I found were at CodeAcademy ( and quite a few of them are free.
We're fine...........Just got back from Tire store and Groceries.....RV Dump and Gasoline

All set for a Holiday weekend....................Safe Travels
Glad to hear you got the new tire on and a bonus of groceries and gas.
Baby gots a new pair of shoes!

Keep Walking Loop GIF by Jonas Mosesson
Glad you made it to the tire shop… nothing worse then being stuck changing a tire with people speeding by inches from your vehicle. I hear ya on the lug nut tightness. My Minnesota tire guy puts them on way too tight. I have to carry a breaker bar and pipe and I’m still calling him choice names… while on the road.
I’m stuck changing my tires yet as I have a year and a half before I turn that big 70.
I’m stuck changing my tires yet as I have a year and a half before I turn that big 70.
I am really glad to hear I am too old now for changing tires! That is the best news I have heard this week 🙂