Feeling discouraged (angry, actually)

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We did what it took to get rolling and did our build on the fly. Our van has been evolving ever since.
Like any home, there's always something you want to do. We've done work in Lowes lots and forests on ours...no to mention friends driveways along the way.

I'd pay for some help and just do what it takes on the build to get going.
A serpentine belt and tensioner pulley is relatively easy most of the time. Sometimes places like Autozone will lend tools. You need to put a small deposit like $20 to $50 to borrow them. If you know of a more able bodied person (even one that is completely mechanically ignorant), he/she could watch an 8 minute video of how to change it, then change it for you. It would be a half hour job if you had troubles; 10 minutes if it goes smoothly. Here is a video:

I would add that the fan can kick on even if the vehicle is off, so disconnecting the battery would be a good idea or you and your friend could also have being disabled as something else you have in common.

This idea is a bit of a pain, and is one you may have considered, but maybe it will at least give you an idea of how to possible get around someone else's schedule. Perhaps he could drop the tools off with you instead of trying to borrow some.
mockturtle said:
She is disabled.

well...define disabled. I have nothing in refrence.

I have a friend who had both of his legs blown off when he stepped on a landmine in Viet Nam. (does this qualify as disabled??)
Not to him. It's merely something that pisses him off.

He's been to most every state on his Harley, and is a tough cat to keep up with, nor would I wanna get into a tangle with him.
Sometimes if you look pitiful enough in the autozone parking lot or parked on a campus with your hood up someone will come up and offer to help. I've had it happen. I was just changing a headlight so I wouldn't be driving a perdiddle after dark down dark country roads. :p

I hope a good solution comes up for you really quick! :) If I were at the library I'd watch the video about the serpentine belt because I think that's on my list too.
I was in a casino garage in 1985 trying to figure out what was wrong with my BIL's Datsun. After correcting his meth head tune up. (New plugs gaped wrong and crossed wires) I tried to set the carb venturi needle. Someone came along and announced he had a couple of those, and proceeded to give me the factory settings off the top of his head. He then pilled a mini screwdriver out of his pocket, spent about 15 seconds under the hood, then started it up.

Good people are out there, and looking for things to do.
well...define disabled. I have nothing in refrence.

I have a friend who had both of his legs blown off when he stepped on a landmine in Viet Nam. (does this qualify as disabled??)
Not to him. It's merely something that pisses him off.

He's been to most every state on his Harley, and is a tough cat to keep up with, nor would I wanna get into a tangle with him.

By her own definition, she is too disabled to work.  By your definition, she is not too disabled to service her own vehicle or ride a Harley all over the country.  :D
bindi&us said:
We did what it took to get rolling and did our build on the fly. Our van has been evolving ever since.
Like any home, there's always something you want to do. We've done work in Lowes lots and forests on ours...no to mention friends driveways along the way.

I'd pay for some help and just do what it takes on the build to get going.

Yes, I have decided to "build on the fly" as well. Will be yardsal'ing next week to find a cabinet; putting my chair and ottoman in the back (I sleep in it a lot anyway) until I can get my bed built; a bucket with a "seal-tight" toilet seat; and cooking outside when possible - when not possible, it will be salad and sandwiches. I still have to wait until next week (husband's pay day) as he is still going to fix it (I really can't afford to have someone else do it at this point).
mockturtle said:
By her own definition, she is too disabled to work.  By your definition, she is not too disabled to service her own vehicle or ride a Harley all over the country.  :D

Had to give up riding a motorcycle years ago - okay, my definition of being disabled is that my lower back, hips, knees, and feet are full of osteoarthritis; I was also injured in 2006 and it put me off my feet for a year and a half - until I was able to walk again instead of using a wheel chair; and, in 1991 I had a run in with a mal-functioning elevator door that rotated my right shoulder blade and laid it flat against my spine. I am now to the point that I'm not allowed to lift anything over 5 lbs.; nor am I able to stand, bend, reach, or pull for very long at all.

To add to all that, I have always been a business person - absolutely not mechanically inclined. :rolleyes:

It's okay though, I really was just looking to vent - as I said previously, my husband will get the van fixed next weekend and I can start with the build (beginning with insulation). It may not be done when I am ready to run but, I will eventually get it completed. :D
Theadyn said:
Sorry you are going through this, I know it can be frustrating.  Vent all you want, I'm sure many here can understand, and it's good to get it off your chest sometimes.   When I was having to wait 3 weeks for tinting to get finished I was beyond anxious and frustrated, and spent my days researching and reading about others adventures and builds (not sure if it helped or aggravated me even more, haha), so I can understand.  Then I had to wait an additional two more weeks for the very late title to get here, and with an expired paper tag, it sat in the driveway.  All this to say, yes...  as a previous poster put it, This, too, shall pass.

Hang in there!!  :)

I truly believe that my frustration has subsided now but, I also believe it came from me being over-anxious to get moving - I have been dreaming of doing this for several years and now I am this (stretches arms out widely) close...........researching has been great though ;)
anewbiewannabe said:
Venting is good sometimes. :) Is that the Wayne National Forest area?  I thought Shawnee was national too and it shows up on one of the map programs that way, but in looking for it I found it to be a state forest. :(  It is pretty out that way. Hope you get out there as quickly as is possible for you. :)

Okay, I re-visited the map and it is north of the Wayne National Forest. here is a link to the website for the AEP ReClaimation properties.

I'm glad today looks brighter for you.

Have you checked out free cycle or craigslist free in your area? I've been lucky and found a few things I could use, either temporarily or permanently, in the van. Just a thought.
gypsychic said:
I'm glad today looks brighter for you.

Have you checked out free cycle or craigslist free in your area? I've been lucky and found a few things I could use, either temporarily or permanently, in the van. Just a thought.

Yes, things are looking brighter and I see boondocking in my near future :D

I do the craigslist for shopping, and even some groups on facebook but, I completely forgot about freecycle as I have logged into it in a couple of years - thank you for reminding me.
Do a search for a "Gama Seal Lid" in your area. That and new clean bucket might set you back about $13,00. Lowes has them.
sunnyslife said:
Okay, I re-visited the map and it is north of the Wayne National Forest. here is a link to the website for the AEP ReClaimation properties.


Cool. So Wayne National Forest would give you another possible area that you could stay in. They have dispersed camping. I'd give you the link but I didn't save it. I found it under the National Forests site.

I empathize with your challenges because of disability---sounds like we've had similar experience. My good shoulder is pretty useless but they can't find what to fix yet and I got myself out of a wheelchair about 10 years ago.

Take care! :)
GotSmart said:
Do a search for a "Gama Seal Lid" in your area.  That and  new clean bucket might set you back about $13,00.  Lowes has them.

Thank you. I will pick them up next week when I go to get the insulation.
anewbiewannabe said:
Cool. So Wayne National Forest would give you another possible area that you could stay in. They have dispersed camping.  I'd give you the link but I didn't save it. I found it under the National Forests site.

I empathize with your challenges because of disability---sounds like we've had similar experience.  My good shoulder is pretty useless but they can't find what to fix yet and I got myself out of a wheelchair about 10 years ago.

Take care! :)

I hope they find the problem soon. :)
anewbiewannabe said:
Cool. So Wayne National Forest would give you another possible area that you could stay in. They have dispersed camping.  I'd give you the link but I didn't save it. I found it under the National Forests site.

I empathize with your challenges because of disability---sounds like we've had similar experience.  My good shoulder is pretty useless but they can't find what to fix yet and I got myself out of a wheelchair about 10 years ago.

Take care! :)

I hope they find the problem soon.  :) I will check out the WNF site and see what I can find. I know I can also dry camp at the GPAA sites so that will help as well - 3 weeks at AEP the 2 weeks at the Loudonville GPAA site - yep, sounds like a plan.
Yes, things are looking brighter and I see boondocking in my near future

I'm so glad!  :)  See ya on the road!
mockturtle said:
She is disabled.

Aaaaaargh!  Few things bother me more in life than the 'dis-abled' label.  I have multiple challenges myself, several of them chronic and life-threatening, and some of them I've had all my life (I'm 59 at this writing).  Here's a little bit of medical fact that I'll put in layman's terms, which I sincerely hope will help you.

First:  The brain can't take a joke.  Whatever you think, say, or (worse) believe, the brain will take for a fact.

When the brain hears (either spoken or thought) the word "disabled" it basically writes into its 'computer/memory' "he/she can't do ______" (fill in the blank), and then the brain makes that true in terms of your body.  We call it psychosomatic conditioning. (This is medical fact, not New-Age drivel, by the way!)

Now, if you CHOOSE to use the phrase "I have a few challenges," instead of "I am disabled," the brain then writes into its 'computer/memory' "Uh-oh, hurdle up ahead," and puts itself on standby for further instructions.

If you've lost an arm, your brain may not grow you a new one (although that *has* happened in the past), but it'll certainly help you to make maximum use of your other three appendages.  

The brain thinks "possible" when you leave those paths open, but it'll shut down double-quick when you choose to close a door.  

Thinking, saying, and believing that we are disabled will close the neural network and keep us that way.  As I said - the brain can't take a joke; whatever you feed it or tell it, it will believe.

Those of us with challenges live life differently than those who are generally considered 'normal.'  DO NOT empower illness and dis-ease.  You (yes YOU) have control over reality, and to a greater degree than most imagine, you can create the reality you choose.

Hope this helps those of you who have challenges.


Admitting to having a disability is not accepting a death sentence for everyone.   For me it is telling myself that I must give up carpentry as a lifestyle, and use my brain to sell solar systems.  

I have hung up my nail gun and picked up a laptop and excel spread sheet.  

I now represent Renogy as an independent outside salesman.  I design and sell solar systems.  On grid, off grid, and hybrid. No installations...

There are days when I must be medicated to deal with the coming weather, and others where I can walk for miles.  It is not in my head, but my body.  Being honest about the situation means not lying to myself about what I no longer am able to do.  

I can sit in a parking lot all day thinking like a Buick, but I am still a human.  I can cluck all I want, but Roosters do not lay eggs. :p  The brain still has the limitations on it the body provides.  It is up to the individual to set the bar high, but not too high that the brain accepts failure as a constant result.