Feeding dog frugal/healthy [split from no cooking food stamp healthy approach]

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First of all dogs are not strictly carnivores. They eat meat but they also eat the fat and contents of the stomach. All of us have seen dogs eat grass. Dairy is not a "normal" item on a good canine diet. Eggs are fine in moderation, the shells are pure calcium. My dogs eat dog food with bits of table scraps mixed in. Companies such as Purina have spent millions finding the right combination of foods to be optimal for your dog. Yes there have been recalls and incidents but how many people have died from e-coli? If you don't want to feed commercial foods, at least make sure the diet is balanced. I worked in a vets office for five years. I groomed dogs for over 30. Skin issues are just the beginning of problems I've seen caused by a unbalanced diet. My own Mother was cooking only chicken breast for her dog and she almost died. Buttered toast and vegetables were added and the issue resolved itself. Dogs need fat, they need vegetables and yes they need protein. Your pup may be surviving on the diet you give him but is it best for him?
Companies such as Purina have spent millions of dollars to convince the public that agricultural waste is somehow beneficial to animals. They really just want to dispose of agricultural waste at a profit.

The evidence for "they need vegetables" is thin. They have no natural access to them. They do have access to grass, but my dog has only ever eaten it as a prelude to throwing up. They do not have the dentition of an herbivore. We are full omnivores and we don't eat grass, so why would you expect a dog to do it for nutritional reasons?

My dog's current diet includes 1 raw chicken leg per day, for the calcium. I don't think he needs tons of bone in his diet, I think that could get risky. He does a good job chewing up that kind of bone. I've been feeding him fatty meats like chicken quarters, cooked to remove the rest of the bone. Liver once a week. Olive oil sprinkled on the food.

I conquered his major skin itching problem by mixing feed grade sulfur with hand lotion and spreading it over the affected areas several times. I never had him diagnosed, but I presume he had mange and that the sulfur killed it.
I sure do agree with 'decodancer'! When I had my little ranch in New Mexico, all my animals ate Purina. Goats, chickens, dogs and cats. They have spent millions to research animal nutrition. Anyone who has raised 'non-pet' animals will tell you the value of Purina food. All animals need a balanced diet to be healthy.
Most people just think there smarter than there pets......
Who is feeding who?
who is providing shelter?
who answers to their every whim?

the sad part is we run in the grocery store and dump more chemicals down our throats that we dont even know about.......if I was a pet....I would run if my master offered me food!!!!
If I go by behavior. I am smarter than my dog when it comes to nutrition. He would eat 'chocolate' if allowed, which would kill him. If allowed, he would eat anything that he thinks 'tastes good'. He is a small dog with a brain the size of a large grape.
Well my dogs are really smart, after all they are Poodles LOL. They do like chocolate (as do I ) and will get an M+M on occasion. Luckily they are not too fond of any table scraps other than meat. I keep them slim and trim, why can't I do the same for myself? Maybe they should choose my food :s
It's pretty hard to get around the fat that dogs and pets are living longer, healthier lives on today's Kibble. Of course there are exceptions but that's what they are, exceptions. Overall, dogs live longer and are healthier.

Homer gets commercial dog food but i do buy him wheat and corn free kibble. No doubt he needs carbs, but they don't seem like the best choice of carbs for him.
I feed the beef and rice version of Purina One. First ingredient is not corn which is what a lot of the cheaper brands have. I can't afford the super premium foods and my vet assures me that it is not necessary. I had two dogs live to be 17 years old eating nothing but plain old Purina. My Gable can not have chicken or I'm picking up a mess in the morning. He stole some from my Mothers counter on a visit and her new shag rug ended up in the garbage. The little ones are fine with chicken but they like the beef kibble better. I do mix in one can of Mighty Dog (1/3 can for each dog) for taste, it just makes me feel better to give them a little variety.
After losing one pet I had for many years to the low cost pet food industry, I am only buying BLUE BUFFALO (at $20 a bag) for my cat. They also do dog food.


I spent a lot of time on line, and asked several pet stores a lot of questions before settling on this product. Since changing there has been no dull or brittle hair, and far fewer hairballs. He eats less, and is much happier.

We changed vets, and found one that is not motivated by profit. He charges a honest amount, and will discuss alternative treatments. Instead of a $30 bottle of ear drops, I was told to get a $1 pint of Mineral Oil. I was able to treat the cat, and oil my wood handle knives and cutting boards at the same time. I will be using it on my wood handle tools when I get them ready for the sale.

By asking people, you can find a vet that will work with you. Not all are motivated by $$$$$

Please read the information on the link. Even if you do not buy the food, it has a lot of good stuff about pet nutrition.
My sister feeds her dog Bluebuffalo. My dog, Mr. Pico eats IAMS, and the first ingredient is chicken. He loves Purina but too many carbs. decodancer...don't give your dogs ANY chocolate. It is hard to find a vet that is not motivated by money. Mr. Pico gets his blood tested every year.
Prayer Needed Please:
Hello all,
I have a 13 year old dog I rescued, trained her to be a working dog, and she served our country overseas. She has been very ill the last two days and may die.
Thank you for your prayers.
I'm so sorry that your pup is not doing well. Praying for you both.
Know I posted this before but you can get food for digs at animal shelters if you are poor. They would rather you take care of your dog where you live. Then drop off the dog.
My thoughts are with you Belinda2. Their lives are so short in comparison to ours and they give us so much joy. We've all been there and it tears your heart out to see your baby sick. I hope that there has been some improvement.
Pup Update:
Well, this is one heck of a dog! I had a dog in the past die of the same thing, but this one is a real trooper! (Smile) My dog must have got into eating small bones from something she found or her bowel must have twisted. She didn't have a bowel movement for days and finally was vomiting everything she ate. She was vomiting and/or awake with pain every 2 hours. She was delirious, dehydrated, and her lungs were sounding congested. I knew she needed to move or she would get pneumonia. I fed her water every few hours through a syringe. No bowel sounds. Finally, she was holding down a little water, but was stiff from not moving all day. I moved her parts and rubbed her tummy. I gave her antibiotics and a stool softner I already had according to her weight every 12 hours. I touched her every time she woke up in pain. Finally, on day 4 and 5 red bloody diarrhea stool.....but at least things were going through.
She is hungry now, her lungs are clear, good bowel sounds, a semi formed dark red stool-- so the blood is dried!, and my sweet baby is catching up on rest! Thanks for your prayers everyone!
Sulfur has been used as an insect repellent as far back as 600BC and likely much earlier. In the older days people would run animals through sulfur baths to kill fleas and ticks. Nowadays we go to the vet and pay 10 times for "medication"

Most food research, whether for humans or animals, is not for nutritional reasons but for cost. If you doubt this then you are sadly misinformed.

Example: All the research into bread is/was for the purpose of faster baking time and longer shelf life. All the chemicals added are not healthy, in fact they are carcinogens.

Yoga mat chemical found in 500 grocery store foods
When I had my little ranch in New Mexico, Mr. Pico would get fleas and Ticks. The animal doctor who came to check the health of my goats said We bathe our dogs too much. Mr. Pico has not had a flea or tick since I took his advice. He gets a bath only twice a year. It has been three years.
The research done by Purina is monumental in regards to Animal Nutrition. You will find most small ranchers using Purina for their stock and chickens. Purina equals good growth and healthy animals on the ranch. Consumers are smart and are looking for a good product for ALL their animals and pets. When I had my little ranch all the goats, chickens, horses and pigs ate Purina with great results and profit for me.
For anyone concerned about picking the right kibble for their dog. I've found that this website is helpful. (Obviously the OP has everything covered to their satisfaction, but I figure this could help someone else out.)