exercize--keep (or if you're like me getting) in shape

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2013
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Hi everyone. I may be able to hit the road sooner than I thought. My oldest daughter (the one that just had my first grandbaby) is thinking of staying home and caring for some of my disabled kiddos. Let me explain. My husband and I have 8 adopted kids. 2 are "normal" whatever that means lol. My 22year old is on her own. My 23 yr old that is now a mom is living with us with the new baby (jaxton). We have 6 severely physically disabled kiddos. From 10 yrs old to 20 years. All are in wheelchairs. If my 23 yr old daughter would care for the kids we could hit the road in a couple years. We are old at 55 and 65 and my husband had a heart attack and bypass surgery this past winter so he needs to slow down. We have our business up for sale so if and when that would sell we could hit the road if my daughter would care for the kids.
Now to get to my new post thread. I need to get in better shape so I can do this lifestyle for many years to come. I also want to explore and bike while traveling. So. I need to get physically in shape. I know sitting on my behind reading posts here all day is not helping. Lol. Anybody else want to start preparing physically so they can better enjoy this lifestyle? I find I have a hard time doing this on my own and thought if I had some virtual companions to do this along with me maybe I would stay motivated better. Those of you on the road do you have tips on how to stay physically healthy, other than the obvious eat healthy and exercize lol. I am begining the process of downsizing my stuff and thought maybe I should do the same for my body as well. Swankie wheels inspires me as she has gotten much healthier since hitting the road. Sorry so long winded.
I'm totally with you Nora!<br><br>I'm trying to get back to healthy again as well! I'm starting slow, I'm trying to do 2 walks a day to start, I manage at least 1 most days now, and do about 1 mile.<br><br>I also bought some old used Rollerblades (with pads and a helmet), and am learning how to skate in them. &nbsp;It's hard, but also fun!<br><br>With Love,<br>Tara
Hi Nora:<br><br>It's funny you should post about exercise and getting into shape.&nbsp; I stopped by my local community center yesterday on my way home from the dentist, just to check it out.&nbsp; My neighbor goes swimming there all the time, but I'm not one for swimming much, but love the weight machines.&nbsp; So I talked to the fitness trainer that was there about my fibromyalgia, and he was very knowledgeable about it.&nbsp; He was so motivational, that within 15 minutes of talking with him I got a membership and booked an appointment with him for next Tuesday morning!&nbsp; He is going to show me how to use the various pieces of equipment, make sure I set things up properly, and start me off very slowly with an exercise plan.&nbsp;I had felt that I am becoming more and more disabled, and my muscles were getting so weak, but&nbsp;I feel really confident with this guy.&nbsp; I think on the bad days that I have, even if I can get myself out the door, and just walk on one of the treadmills (which overlook the pool) that I'll be doing well.&nbsp; It's just getting there.&nbsp; That's the hardest part.&nbsp; I know once I get in the door, that it will be easy for me to at least do SOME of the workout that the trainer will set up for me.<br><br>I'm not so much concerned with diet right now.&nbsp; I know that if I can just get myself motivated to exercise, the diet changes will come about naturally.&nbsp; Once I've done an hour of exercise I know I won't want to be eating junk or high fat foods.&nbsp; <br><br>I'll definitely be your on-line cheering section!

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