Escapee Rainbow Parks Require Core Vaccinations

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Well-known member
Aug 7, 2011
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We are Escapee members and as of January 1, 2017, they will require that dogs have the "core" vaccinations as recommended by the ASPCA (probably big donors are big pharma and vet organizations) or one cannot stay at one of their Rainbow Parks (not that they are that great but it is a membership benefit for those that fall in line with what they dictate).  We only get the rabies vaccination for our dogs at this point having educated ourselves and saw one dog suffer two years from a reaction not considered a big deal by either vet, just give them Benedryl and in a couple of days, they get better.  I read everything available and neither dog, now both seniors, got anything other than the rabies from that point.

I am asking for my $39.00 back!   

I guess one really needs to isolate one's self from "governing" bodies unless it is totally not an option.  OK, I probably already knew this and this is just the reminder I needed to get where I need to be.  Ok, it's a good thing!
Everywhere we turn it's more rules and increased regulation; to what end?
Did you ask about titers? Chances are they're not familiar with them. A little education can go a long way.

I get my dogs titers done regularly and carry the paperwork. She's been accepted by a number of places that require vaccinations
Horse owners have had to provide evidence of a negative Coggins test to bring their horses into different environments even for a one day event.

Take your pets cross border into Canada to visit, shots required.

The Escapees probably are forced to do this by their insurance carrier, corporate legal team, et al. 

Advertise "Pet Friendly" and then someone's precious gets deathly ill?
Snow Gypsy,  I understand your complaint,  there's always more rules and regs to contend with.   Having said that,  I am a veterinarian and not one who dismisses the sometimes serious side effects that happen with vaccines.   At my hospital we adopted the new vaccine protocols 15 years ago.   My point is that you seem to be painting all vets with a very broad brush and that is unfair.  Think of the stereotypes for van dwellers and you get the idea.   The American Veterinary Medical Association has adopted the newer vaccine protocols that reduce the number of vaccines considerably and those can be found with a little research-   Not all veterinarians follow those new protocols which is unfortunate,  but change is underway and most of it was initiated by veterinarians :)
I wonder what proof they require of these vaccinations.  I give my dog his vaccinations myself (aside from rabies), so I don't know how I would prove that he had them.
I suppose I could save the receipts from Tractor Supply but I don't know if that would fly.
Many vets are adopting the new practices, but a lot of municipalities are being stiff necked about it
Really makes you wonder, when your vet admits there's a problem, and the city refuses to change their requirement
wayne49 said:
Horse owners have had to provide evidence of a negative Coggins test to bring their horses into different environments even for a one day event.

Take your pets cross border into Canada to visit, shots required.

The Escapees probably are forced to do this by their insurance carrier, corporate legal team, et al. 

Advertise "Pet Friendly" and then someone's precious gets deathly ill?
Beyond "rabies", I don't believe the insurance companies would be involved.
Also, as an example, if say your dog has been vaccinated and mine has not, your dog would not be at risk.  
At this point, they are only asking and not requiring proof, but I have this "integrity" thing which, admittedly many don't.  I am sure at some point they will require proof.  
Of course, not all vets are the same, but enough of them seem to be pro making profits.  I had read the the yearly immunizations for all dogs made some of the more expensive treatments available for less.  I read a LOT of stuff.
We aren't allowed to be a co-op member in the Escapees co-ops, for the most part, maybe one would allow us because we have 3 adults and their by-laws limit presence to 2 adults and one waiting list I saw, the first person on the list had been there since 1993.  Eliminate the Rainbow Parks and there isn't much left. 
Again, I understand rabies and they should require to see proof of that, not take someone's word for it.  One place we were considering going has a problem with pack rats, which would be of a concern.  I carry proof of rabies vaccines in an easy accessible bag.  
I have no intention of taking my dogs outside the US.  We have moved around the country for 30 years and never had a municipality ask for anything more than a rabies vaccine.  
They can have their rules, but since they exclude us, I want my $39 back and have inquired.  
As far as titers, to go to that expense to gain something that isn't worth that much, I probably would not bother.  Rinnie turns 12 in May and Yellow Dog is estimated to be 13.  One dog weighs 65 and the other 82 which blocks us from other parks.  See why the ability to boondock if you have pets is important.  And, I forgot, the breed restrictions and if someone in the park feels your dog is aggressive.  I can't tell you how many times I have had small unleashed dogs come after my leashed dogs and the little dogs nip at my dogs' hind legs.  I carry a stick!
I did inquire as to whether in the future they were going to require vaccines for people visiting their parks, as I have some issues there too!  I didn't get an answer.
ArtW said:
Many vets are adopting the new practices, but a lot of municipalities are being stiff necked about it
Really makes you wonder, when your vet admits there's a problem, and the city refuses to change their requirement

Scientists would have a lot more credibility if they weren't always changing their minds about stuff.

Saw an article in the paper last week, turns out they are NOW saying that butter is healthier for you than margarine. . .

Wonder what they're gonna say next year about it?
That's old news, PO, I've known that for a long time :D
In fact, nutritional researchers of the time lambasted Ansel Keyes '7 nations study' as being too unscientific to be worth the paper it was written on, it was a certain US politician who decided Ansel was right and every other researcher of the time was a biased 'egg company doctor' based on his massive scientific knowledge gained from being a career politician (heavy sarcasm) and anti sat fat bias

Always read the body of the research, when reading up on stuff like that, and be aware that there are lots of ways to skew the outcomes
It's not like dogs have photo ID's. I rescued a dog and all his paperwork has him named Minton. The rescue I adopted him from changed his name to Camo. I've boarded him under the name Camo and show them paperwork for a dog named Minton to show he's been vaccinated and that's satisfied two kennels.

I'm not against vaccinations either. For all the dogs that have had bad reactions, I do believe they help 100x more. But your dog your choice, I don't like things shoved down my throat and i'd not support a place that tried to make me do things I don't believe in either. The world is WAY over regulated, everyone has to draw their own line in the sand at some point.
The requirement for vaccinations (and you don't mention WHICH vaccinations) is probably due to the bozos who simply refuse to vaccinate their dogs at all, ever; and then the dog picks up distemper or parvo, and brings it into the park to give to all the other unvaccinated dogs.

For anyone who refuses to vaccinate against rabies, please let me explain something to you: if your unvaccinated dog bites someone, and you can't provide proof of vaccination, the dog is usually EUTHANIZED and tested for rabies. No rabies in the dog? Oh, isn't that sad --- for the dog. If your dog IS vaccinated and bites someone, the dog is put into quarantine for ten days to be watched, and if he's clean, you get him back. None of this applies to Indian Reservations. Do you see a problem here?
"Core" vaccinations per the ASPCA: Canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis and rabies. We get the rabies only. I am aware of what happens with a bite by a dog. Years ago with another dog, my younger son got bitten on the lip, not bad but we called the clinic. We were told that if we brought him in, they were required to report it to the police who would come out and if the dog had a rabies shot, she would be under confinement at our home with some simple rules about taking her outside. If the dog would not have had the rabies shot, she would have had to be boarded elsewhere for 10 days. This was a wonderful dog, our son at that age, not so much. Not a big deal, and of course, we took him to the clinic, I'm guessing some would not.

Seriously, I see this as "political" and could see them requiring more and requiring that my human family also subject ourselves to poisons. Nope!

If one is concerned about their dog getting something, they should vaccinate it. If one is more concerned that the vaccination may do more harm than good, there should be a choice. I am kind of tired of my choices being taken away. I make decisions based on my research.

I have seen and live the results of human vaccinations gone wrong, forced on a child with a weaker immune system. I am in charge now.

I did a "google" and found at least 90% of the RV parks only requiring proof of rabies vaccine. One always comes up short when relying on only one source of information, but that is the easiest thing to do.
After having a dog suffer horribly and have to be put down because it contracted distemper from another I don't give a damn about politics, rules or anything. What I do care about is that I made a choice that resulted in the suffering and death of a living being that I dearly loved. Never again. I vaccinate and it has nothing to do with "the man". It has everything to do with my poor decision and broken heart.

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