Escape from Montreal

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Jul 7, 2018
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Hello everyone. I am so glad I located this forum!

I am a single, unemployed mom (53 years old) with two boys, one of whom (11 yr old) is very significantly developmentally disabled. I expect to be evicted from our apartment in Montreal because real-estate prices have gone through the roof and my landlord sold to a new owner who wants to make it his family home. Even though I have a decent income (child tax credits w/ supplement due to my son's handicap + financial support from the father) rental housing that suits our needs is no longer accessible anywhere in Montreal. If I try to relocate in Montreal it will be practically impossible for me to afford anything big enough and to convince a landlord to rent to me. Even if I manage it I will live with the constant threat of being evicted again because of ever-expanding gentrification.

So next summer I plan to go on the road in a vehicle with my youngest (disabled) son. My intention is to tour a remote area of eastern Quebec (Gaspésie) as cheaply as possible for July and August to find an accessible rental option in a rural area near a school that can deliver my son's specialized education program, at least for a few years. Once he is finished going to school, I would like to either live a nomadic life doing seasonal work with him or establish a homestead/mini-farm.

My major decision now is what vehicle to buy. I was thinking a used pickup with a truck camper, but I am realizing I won't be able to afford even a used truck camper. So I am thinking it may have to be a pickup truck with a camper shell, or even just a pickup truck or another vehicle with a tent. My major challenge is getting some money together before I am evicted, because right now I have no savings whatsoever and almost no extra income.

I am so inspired by Bob's Youtube videos. I am convinced that this is the right choice for my son/our future because he really hates to be indoors and can't stand being cooped up. I think the only type of job he could learn to do and be happy with is some form of outdoor/agricultural work, and I know I would love that as well.

I really look forward to following this forum to learn all I can!
Welcome Anjikun to the CRVL forums! To help you learn the ins and outs of these forums, this "Tips & Tricks" post lists some helpful information to get you started. We look forward to hearing more from you. highdesertranger
Welcome Anjikun, you have several really great ideas and I'm sure they will be successful. Your post got me to thinking that more and more people are having to escape metro areas due to lack of affordability and other factors (gentrification, etc.) and where will they go? Even though your situation is challenging with a minor child, you have options due to having the minor child that those of us with grown children don't have! Best Wishes.

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