LeeRevell said:
ANYTHING can be "weaponized". This is like the rabid antigun thing - they will try to outlaw the inanimate object being misused, instead of going after those misusing it. Make the penalties for that misuse severe, but don't outlaw something that 99% of it's users are using safely.
Remember, lots of vans have been used as rolling bombs to kill people - should we therefore ban vans?
Lee, I happen to be a rabid Pro-2nd type myself.
The van thing is a strawman argument - all kinds of vehicles - cars, pickup trucks, vans, ambulances, hearses, U-Haul trucks, etc. - can be used to make car bombs. There is no way they can outlaw motor vehicles.
Lets note that they HAVE tried to severely restrict access to explosives. I have on one of my bookshelves a reprint of a USDA manual for farmers on the safe and effective use of dynamite for blowing stumps, dealing with ice jams, making post holes, etc. Apparently, it USED to be possible for a citizen to simply go into a hardware store and buy dynamite and blasting caps when he had a need for them. I'm not sure when the restrictions went into place. Maybe when the depression caused a rash of bank robberies? The bank robbers were using it to blow bank vaults?
Nobody is suggesting that explosives should be freely available and that we should simply have laws to punish people who misuses them.
And remember, with the jihadis, they WELCOME martyrdom. No law would keep them from misusing drones to bring down airliners.
I'm also not suggesting that we outlaw drones - although I think the politicians will do just that after one or two airliners go down. It won't do any good, but they will have an overwhelming need to be seen as DOING SOMETHING!
Many of the jihadi bomb makers are trained engineers, and I don't think they will have any trouble constructing their own drones from off the shelf components.
I would also expect them to operate near European airports, targeting incoming American and Israeli aircraft.
At this point, I'm mostly just pissed at the idiots who are misusing them near the airports and getting all this publicity. This will definitely attract the jihadis attention and give them ideas.
I recall that there were no skyjackings until after some TV show used it in a plot. (Was it Rod Serling in a Twighlight Zone episode?) After that, we had a rash of skyjackings.
Welcome to interesting times.